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UDS Ecu reset function always get error 8260

So you are planning on flashing an ECU?  Well then check out Part 7 of my CAN blog particularly the section on reading hex files.  In that post I link to a VIPM package configuration, than once installed gives a bunch of CAN tools and one of them is parsing Hex and S Record files.  As mentioned in the post this is really just an improved version of some code in the ECU M&C toolkit.  So if you have that installed you can check out the shipping example.  This will return the address and data parsed from the Hex file.  If you are flashing over UDS you'll need to do things like Request Download, followed by a series of Transfer Data, and a Request Transfer Exit.  The specifics might be ECU dependent.

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Message 11 of 15

Thanks for the reply. I will look at the post. Yes I want to flash the software through CAN to the ECU. So that the automotive diagnostic toolkit cannot apply the flashing ECU functions? Because previously we use python script based on UDS to flash the software. Thank you. 

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Message 12 of 15

The ADCS Toolkit is a set of API calls for communicating to CAN devices over the ISO-15765 protocol which UDS is part of.  The toolkit is not a turn key solution for flashing over CAN.  But using the functions I mentioned you can flash devices over CAN.  I don't have the toolkit installed at the moment but I believe there is an example on how to flash in the Help >> Find Examples.  I know that is where I found the code for parsing Hex files.  But again it might be ECU specific which is why you may need to write some of your own software to perform the flash.

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Message 13 of 15

Yes I already has the bootloader for the ECU, and want to erase some address and then place the application software to specific address. So that I don't need to consider the ADCS toolkit and turn to the ECU M&C toolkit?

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Message 14 of 15


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Message 15 of 15