To all Bay Area LabVIEW Developers and Enthusiasts – the 2013 Coding Challenge has been announced on the BALUG February 19 Meeting
Problem Statement
1. The Challenge: Provide a low latency/small memory footprint solution to access records in a very large Data Set (i.e. a Lookup Table). Contestants are provided with:
- 1D array of strings (unique Record Keys)
- 1D array of record numbers in the Data Set (same size and order as Record Keys)
- You need to implement 3 Vis to
- Build the Lookup Table (Create)
- Search for a Record Number using Record Key value (Search)
- Destroy the Lookup Table (Destroy)
- Winner: a solution providing minimal search times and data memory footprint on a large set of random key searches.
- Time for Creating/Destroying the Lookup Table is ignored in determining the winner
2. The Grand Challenge: Same as above, but besides Search requests, a solution has to handle
- Insertion of new (Key, Number) pairs. If Key is already in the Lookup Table its Number value is to be replaced with the new Number value.
- Deletion of existing (Key, Number) pairs.
- Test Sequence includes a random mix of Search/Add/Delete requests (33.3% of each).
- Winner: a solution providing minimal processing time and data memory footprint on a random Test Sequence.
- Time for Creating/Destroying the Lookup Table is ignored in determining the winner
For details on scoring, solution development and submission guidelines please download the full Challenge Announcement from
Submission Deadline: Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Coding Challenge Prizes
The Grand Challenge Winner:
- NI : a 50% discount on NI Week 2013 Full Conference Registration
- Arktur Technologies : A bottle of 2008 Truchard Cabernet Sauvignon, Carneros, Napa Valley
The Challenge Winner, 2nd and 3d place winners in both challenges:
- NI : NI logo items (no details available at the moment)
Please respond to this thread if you or your company would like to establish a prize for a specific achievement in this Coding Challenge.
Dmitry Sagatelyan
Arktur Technologies LLC