1. Coding Challenge Details : Bay Area LabVIEW User Group 2013 Coding Challenge Announcement.pdf
2. Coding Challenge Workbench Source Distributions (password protected diagrams for all support VIs except : RI_Solution_Workbench.vi, RI_Reference_Solution.lvclass, RI_Solution_Template.lvclass) :
- RI_Solution_Workbench_LV2012.zip
- RI_Solution_Workbench_LV2011.zip
- RI_Solution_Workbench_LV2010.zip
- RI_Solution_Workbench_LV2009.zip
Source code of the Scoring Application would be made available under a copyleft license (GPLv 3 or similar) after Challenge Submission Deadline.
3. Test Data/Sequence Generation Tool (optional): RI_Test_Data_Generator.zip
A default test data set (10,000 records) is included with each RI_Solution_Workbench_LVxxxx.zip distribution. To create more test data sets (larger or smaller) you will need to download this tool. The Tool is an .exe compiled with LV2012 (Windows7/64bit, LabVIEW/32bit). Unzip it in a folder of your choice. It requires LV2012 Run-Time Engine (bundling LVRTE with the Tool resulted in installer size of ~200 Mb - what a bloatware). If you do not have the LVRTE2012 installed – please get if directly from ni.com (~226 Mb for the 32-bit version).
Dmitry Sagatelyan
Arktur Technologies LLC