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3D Image Reconstructor in Biomedical Workbench

Forgive my ignorance.  Can someone tell me where the control / menu item is that allows one to load external images in the 3D Image Constructor?  The how-to document

says that you can do this, but I don't see how.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hi Don,

Please see the new comment at that topic.


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Ok, thanks, let's tell everyone how to do it in this discussion as well:


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Some suggestions on the 3D Image Constructor / VI for the model render window that might be useful for later versions.

1) Ability to move X, Y, Z planes by grabbing them as well as ability to use slider controls.

2) Abillity to move cursor to get values at points along the planes

3) Ability to alter angles of X, Y, Z planes.  Sometimes the purely orthogonal views do not suffice for analysis and we have to be able to angle the planes.

I did run out of memory on when adding an isosurface - another reason to consider the 64-bit version.

Thanks for beginning to implement these types of capabilities.


Message 4 of 7

Hi Don,

Thanks for using the toolkit and giving us good suggestions!

Do you mean the Model Plot (the right plot) in 3D Image Reconstructor? In 2D Viewer control, some of your suggestions are already there.

Thanks again!


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

These suggestions are related to the 3D Image Constructor and any future VI / 3d Image Container that might be available for us in to use as source code in the future.

I ran out of memory trying several operations on stack of images in the 3D Image Constructor.

In the 2d viewer control, when I fed in a stack of images, I had some strange results (with DICOM images) so I only got the 2d Viewer to work with individual DICOM images.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Yes I cannot agree with you more。。。。

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7