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Analysis of EMG Signal for Application in Prosthetic Device Motor Control (servo motor)

i have a project about Analysis of EMG Signal for Application in Prosthetic Device Motor Control. this project used data EMG and implement to LabVIEW to run the motor (servo motor) i've already get the data of EMG..

now I do not know how to do progam to analyse data EMG to move motor and to analyse data EMG .this project almost like with Two-Dimensional Myoelectric Control of a Robotic Arm for Upper Limb Amputees. motor moving with are EMG data was converted to microsoft excel to be applied in LabView for import data. this motor move in degree. I hope somebody can help me at making this project. thx.. 

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Message 1 of 64

Hi - see the EMG processing demo below in the "Documents" section - it should be exactly what you are looking for.


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 64

hye steve, i think your answer not suitable for my project yet. actually, i using AD Instrument to take EMG data and then implement to labview. from that, i must analysis emg data and run the servo motor using this emg data. i also analysis which type of filter could be suitable to use in this project. from now, i've run the servo motor using PWM. but,until now, i don't have any idea how to implement the emg data in labview and how to run the motor using this data too. i hope you can help me. thx..

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Message 3 of 64

hye steve, i think your answer not suitable for my project yet. actually, i using AD Instrument to take EMG data and then implement to labview. from that, i must analysis emg data and run the servo motor using this emg data. i also analysis which type of filter could be suitable to use in this project. from now, i've run the servo motor using PWM. but,until now, i don't have any idea how to implement the emg data in labview and how to run the motor using this data too. i hope you can help me. thx..

Hi Sabaukusauso,

Does AD Instrument has some communication port, COM or USB? And If you have NI DAQ card in hand, you can use LabVIEW VI to read EMG data from AD instruments, perform signal processing such as filtering, and generate PWM to D/A channel of DAQ card to drive amplifier of servo motor.


Lai Wei

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Message 4 of 64


As you know prosthetic limb control using EMG as “one” of the control variables is a relatively common application and the solution to this problem can be relatively simple or very complex depending on the objectives of the project and the details of the application.

My undersatnding of you problem is that as of now you are capable of collecting and save EMG data based on open loop maneuver/protocol. You are also capable of controlling you actuator (assuming one degree of freedom – one motor) using pulse width modulation. You would like to implement on-line/real-time EMG data acquisition, data analysis/processing and motor control using LabVIEW.

There are a few different steps that need to be taken for you to achieve that. I am attaching a pdf file with my 2 cents.

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Message 5 of 64

AD Instrument has both port. actually i've already get the data emg from AD Instrument. now, i've already implement this data to labview. until now, i dont no how to move my graph continuously by using while loop. here i attached my vi and the emg data i get. i hope you can help me to figure out how to make this program. you already said that we can use LabVIEW VI to read EMG data from AD instruments, perform signal processing such as filtering, and generate PWM to D/A channel of DAQ card to drive amplifier of servo motor. how to make this program get perform signal processing such as filtering, and generate PWM to D/A channel of DAQ card to drive amplifier of servo motor?

Message 6 of 64

Read up on the Chart control in LabVIEW and look at some of the examples that use the chart control, starting with

The Chart control in LabVIEW automatically buffers the data (you can set buffer size) and can be configured to scroll, sweep, etc. through configuration (either during edit time or programmatically).  You just need to wire your EMG data (in float array format) that is coming from the AD Instruments interface directly to the chart control input.  Once you get this working, then you can insert some signal processing functions on the data before it goes to the chart, or have the data after signal processing go to a separate chart so you can see "before and after" results.

Again - there are lots of example programs that show this working - this is basic LV programming stuff.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 64

dear friend  my project is analysing emg signals for forearm motion  ,,,,,,,,,,,, can u give me any idea for tat..............

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 64


Am doing the same project, i did an external circuit to make the amplification and filtering for EMG signals from the muscles.

Now i want to interface my sensor to LabView in order to make a database for the project on different types of motion i want my arm to perform.

But until now i don't have a good idea about what are the data i should extract from the emg signal, what are the data you extract from the emg signal?

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 64

You should acquire the raw data from your amplifier and save this data to your files/database.  You can then apply a variety of different processing steps to extract the best information for your study during post-processing analysis.  Common techniques to analyze EMG signals are RMS and spectral (FFT) power analysis. Both of these techniques are supported by VI's in our Biomedical Starter Kit located here on NI Labs here:

Once you have figured out the best way to process the data, then you can apply this processing step during acquisition (in real-time) and have the output of the processed EMG control your system.

By the way - can you share the external circuit with us?  What are the gain and filter settings?  Are you concerned about safety?


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Message 10 of 64