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ECG Feature extractor

I am working on a contactless ECG project.The feature extractor your team has developed is very handy. But I am facing a problem. When use the same code as shown in the feature extractor example, I am unable to get a read on my ecg signal. I even tried to change the path in the example to my own directory with my ECG data (a .tdms file with the name Teju.tdms), nothing happens. The error handler vi shows no error. Please give your insights.

Additionally, When I replaced the read biosignal vi with Biosignal DAQ, I don't see any waveform on the graph.

Any information on how to use feature extractor efficiently is welcome.


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Message 1 of 7

Please share the file with us and we could have a look.

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Message 2 of 7

Hi Thanks for your reply. I am attaching the .tdms file. Now I am unable to use the same file to extract ECG features taking inspiration from the Feature extractor example provided.  Regards, Teja

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Message 3 of 7

You might want to change the start time to 45 seconds and the block size to 5 seconds. This exercise has made me wonder if I can use the feature extractor example for online ECG analysis. Please help

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Message 4 of 7


When I change the path of the example - ECG Feature Extractor, and set the start to 45s, it works for finding each heartbeat by default settings. If you would like to detect more waveform features, you need to adjust the feature extractor VI parameters. :



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Message 5 of 7

Can you please tell me what algorithm was used in the feature extractor for QRS detection? the feature is password protected and I can't see what's inside.

Please give some insights as to how the QRS detection algorithm was implemented here.

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Message 6 of 7

Please refer to the references in Biomedical Toolkit help under LabVIEW help.


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Message 7 of 7