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Get info from file EDF from Read Biosignal vi


Can I get the properties of file EDF?. I can see in configuration of vi Read biosignal all the properties, but I can't get it out to read in my vi.

Any help, please!.

See attached file.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7


For basic information,  it will be saved in the output waveform. And no explicit way to export other information using Bomedical Toolkit VIs.

But you could use storage VIs directly to read the properties. They are under the palette - File IO\Stoarge\DataPlugin. Reading EDF is using a dataplugin named EDF.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7


Thanks for fast reply.

I tried to do but I can't add new source terminal with the names of properties in Get Data icon vi.

When i put the Unit_string it fit to UNIT only and i cant read any properties from file source. Only the name which is the same terminal name. Any help?.

And another question. How I can get all the data without adjust block data?. Since I know this file is less 12000 but some files are higher or lower, I would like it reads the full data directly not block to block. I would like to read all fast read and save in arrays to later manage the data to  get diferent graphs.



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Message 3 of 7


I recommend you read it block by block and use EOF? as the stop sign. This will make your program more robust. If you have large memory and you could set the block size to a large number like 1M to get all the data at once for most of the files.

For storage VI, I can not explain it in one or two words. Please note that file, channel group, channel could have their own properties. You could call NI support for more help.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Hi all,

I am also trying to Open, read and view the EEG signal stored in .EDF file via Labview.

Do you have any .vi template file for such things?


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Anyone could help?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7


You could use the same codes (with Biosignal Read Express VI) to read data from EDF as well.


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Message 7 of 7