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A $9 Arduino from one of our own - nice...

Hey, that guy seems familiar...


I actually ran across this when I saw someone post a generally favorable review of the result (he had some initial problems with installing the drivers) and noticed the name.

Try to take over the world!
Message 1 of 7

Too bad I missed out on this one.  Pretty hard to beat 9 bucks for an Arduino. 

Patrick Allen:
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Hey tst thanks for posting this. The campaign went very well making 15k boards can be a bit hecktic but the production is completed and has been completed for a while now. The next time I do a campaign I will def. post on the LabVIEW forum.


Thanks Harold

Harold Timmis
*Kudos always welcome:)
Message 3 of 7

Congratulations, although before you rush to do another campaign, one of the comments where I saw this said that there are already other Leonardo clones out there for roughly the same price, although I have no idea what quality they are or what they include.

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

There are def. other clones out there, but I also inform people about the process, so they know they are getting a quality product, plus they are getting a small components kit with every Arduino compatible board.

Harold Timmis
*Kudos always welcome:)
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Thanks tst for posting this thread.  And thanks Harrold for all your contributions to Arduino...


Harrold, did you break even on making such a production?  You could not have made much profit at $9 per board.

Are you planning to sell boards at a regular price on your website?


I have not yet gotten into Arduino, but do plan to get into it..  I do have several ATMEL micro-controllers and I probably still have a multi-mc eval board (somewhere).

My multiple home projects should be stabilizing, and I probably won't start the audiophile project too soon...  But of course.... everything changes in an instant...  LOL!!


I am letting people know about your site.  A few enthusiasts... 





0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Hey Ray,


I was not planning on making money I broke even for the most part on this project and I am currently not planning on doing any selling on my website, but this could change in the future. Thank you for spreading the word.




Harold Timmis
*Kudos always welcome:)
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7