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Congratulations Sir Ray

Congratulations Ray! I am sure that I have come across many of your post and learned from them.

Message 11 of 86

Congrats Ray. That is an impressive milestone.

Mark Yedinak
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion

"Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot
Message 12 of 86

Congratulations Sir!

LabVIEW 2012

Message 13 of 86

Congratulations!  It's a pleasure to welcome you to the elite ranks of Knights of NI. Smiley Very Happy

Thank you for all your effort and dedication to the user community.  The help you provide is invaluable.  Thank you.


Message 14 of 86

Congratulation Sir Ray!!!!!! Smiley Very Happy

Thoric (CLA, CLED, CTD and LabVIEW Champion)

Message 15 of 86

Eh, donchaa knowww, Ray is now a night! Congrats, from down south.

Message 16 of 86

Congratulations from both me and on behalf of AristosQueue, who I'm sure would offer his as well if he weren't out of town at the moment.  Great job, and thank you!  🙂

Message 17 of 86

Congratulations Ray!  Your contributions are much appreciated... even when they involve more work for me!  Smiley Happy


Keep it up!



Message 18 of 86

Congratulations on your many fine posts.  When your name is there, I know there is little chance any further info will be needed.

Message 19 of 86

Congratulations Sir Ray:

 Sir Ray.png

10000 posts is certainly significant and the measure by which Knighthood is awarded, but I'd also like to call attention to your 6800 Kudos; that's a lot of people saying something good about your posts. Thank you for your many contributions to the LabVIEW community!

Message 20 of 86