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Enthusiast List in 3D where do you plot?

After being inspired by someone ask a 3d Q It hit me that the user ID for the forum are handed out in accending order so there is some time info hidden in them. So I plotted where a lot of us fit into


UserID, #post, #Tage space... so I thought I would share. whre do you plot on this space?


Over All



Post vs ID



Tag vs ID



Data set included below anlong with code for those graphs.


Have fun,




Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 1 of 10

Nice DAQ, bad analysis.


Some of the plots just scream for a logaritmic y scale. And histograms would be nice too! Are we living in a pareto-egalitarian (Edit: pareto-elitarian) community or do we have a 'long tail'?



Message Edited by F. Schubert on 09-07-2009 02:01 PM
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Message 2 of 10



Excel 2007 thinks your file is a SLYK file format (whatever that is!)





 Clearly the file is just plain text, but obviously the bright sparks at MS cannot seem to figure this out. In the words of Homer Simpson, Doh!

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Message 3 of 10

Well, it was saved with an .xls extension, so why wouldn't anyone think it wasn't Excel? Smiley Wink


I googled that error message.  I still don't understand what SYLK is supposed to be other than some obscure file format, but the error is somehow related to the fact the first row starts with ID.  Wrap it in quotes and it works OK.


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Message 4 of 10

The whole slyk thing happened in excel03 too, but then opened it fine anyway.

As to where I fit....

Well as of this post, I'm 266 users further than the data goes.

As for fun data trends...

I quite like the look of plotting usernumber against the following

un=user number

tpc=total post count

mun=max user number



Message 5 of 10

I guess it would help if I added an image...



Message 6 of 10

Ravens Fan wrote:

Well, it was saved with an .xls extension, so why wouldn't anyone think it wasn't Excel? Smiley Wink


I googled that error message.  I still don't understand what SYLK is supposed to be other than some obscure file format, but the error is somehow related to the fact the first row starts with ID.  Wrap it in quotes and it works OK.




I just used Open Office instead 🙂

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Message 7 of 10

Sorry you were not on the list Hornless.


That list was manually put together and I feared the newer contributors would not show up.


Note to All;


Reply to this thread if I missed you or your know of someone I missed. I just need their user ID.




Any graph that has that much structure to it catches my eye.



I wonder how that would look if we varied the point color by total post count?


Re: Excel getting confussed about the file type...


I was wondering about that myself.


Enjoy the list. Let us know if you spot anything interesting.



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 8 of 10

I think SYLK was the file type used by one of the early database programs, probably in the late -70s or early '80s.


It was used widely enough that many later programs, including  Excel, could read the format. 



Message 9 of 10

Ben wrote:

Sorry you were not on the list Hornless.

It's all good.






Any graph that has that much structure to it catches my eye.


It was quite a pleasant surprise to see that graph pop up. I expected there to be (ignoring the "noise") a few well defined peaks despite the attempts of the formula to negate that.

Message 10 of 10