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Hello Dear LV coders! :)

Hello People! 🙂


Just today came to my mind the fact that how many years I have been programming with LabVIEW, and how a job change stopped this part in my life in 2018 🙂

Since then I program in .NET/C# plus lots of Winforms (lots of data presentation via ScottPlot nuget) and a little WPF (.NET HelixToolkit a bit for live 3D display of moving objects). I would say i have reached a stable medior level in C#/.NET, lots of HW interfacing, UI development and data processing.

However I am a bit sad about that, since I do not use LV since 2018 (mid of 2018), this knowledge was not maintained and progressed in the last many years, I feel it is a kind of lost tool which I miss 🙂 Nowadays I think a lot about my future carrier decisions, whether I would try to be even an independent developer and be happy living in the countryside with remote work options, or work a few years more at the recent place in the city, where i am now (SW product owner so some project management, but still also developer tasks). I am ok with the recent opportunity as well, but I started to think about whether I should try to refresh my LV knowledge slowly, and also learn the new HW and SW tools which NI offers right today (I think it is valuable to have more than only a single language for future job options)...
The hard part is that, I know myself: if there is no actual project, I am not a really good self-learner when it is about reading new things and not learning via doing 😄 Anyway, I am interested what happened with LV since 2018! 🙂

I think I will start to read the forum a bit more, and some other docs, I could also install some community edition, but i need to check the recent licencing policy of LV. Maybe someone could summarize in a nutshell, what happened here with the "LabVIEW eco-system" since 2018? 🙂 Did LV and LV-NXT finally merged? How thick are the wires? 😄 
Appreciate any feedback/info, and it is a very good feeling to see some familiar names from the "old times" when I look at the Forum posts at a glance 🙂

Have nice day/evening, and Hello again Everyone, nice to be here a bit, even if only for this short post ! 🙂 

Message 1 of 16

Typo: not NXT, but NXG, my bad 🙂

Interesting! So there is no NXG anymore, as i see! I thought NI wanted it to be the "future of LV", at least this was the msg what I remember from 2017/2018...


vow, "Native gRPC server/client interfaces in LabVIEW"., this will be very nice 🙂

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 16

Community Edition is a good first step. It's free, fully functional and will allow you to see the latest and greatest while allowing you to re-familiarize yourself. 6 years is a long time to be away from LV. The longest I have gone is a year and it was noticeable when I went back to it.


LabVIEW versions 5.0 - 2023

“All programmers are optimists”
― Frederick P. Brooks Jr.
Message 3 of 16

@Blokk wrote:

I think I will start to read the forum a bit more, and some other docs, I could also install some community edition, but i need to check the recent licencing policy of LV. Maybe someone could summarize in a nutshell, what happened here with the "LabVIEW eco-system" since 2018? 🙂 Did LV and LV-NXT finally merged? How thick are the wires? 😄 

NXG was ceremoniously killed I think in 2020, maybe 2021 (would need to dig around again to verify).  So we were left with "classic" LabVIEW staying LabVIEW.  But through the years, we did get some good features.


  • 2019 brought in Maps and Sets, which is a MAJOR contribution.
  • 2020 brought in Interfaces to the LVOOP world.  I have not used them yet, but I have seen good uses of them.
  • 2023 introduced Zoom to the block diagram.
  • There is now a free version of LabVIEW for noncommerical use called LabVIEW Community Edition.  At NI Connect, it was announced that it would apply for students (academia) as well. Yes, you can use it to relearn LabVIEW.  You just cannot use it on actual projects.
  • Last year, Steve Watts and Derrick Bommarito started the CTI (Community Training Initiative).  The goal here is a low cost, open source training that anybody can use.  It is based on using a Raspberry Pi Pico as the communication device and the training revolved around that.
  • We are actively in the Summer Of LabVIEW (, led by Derrick with help from Darren Nattinger.  We just finished up a Word Search competition (waiting to see the final results).  A Wordle competition is about to get going.  So this might be a good way to get back into the LabVIEW world.
  • GDevCon is now in 3 locations (Europe, North America, and Australia/New Zealand).  All 3 seem to be growing every year.
  • We now have a GLA Summit every year (Global LabVIEW Architects), which is 24 hours straight of LabVIEW and TestStand presentations.  The last one was in April or May.  Good content you should definitely check out.
  • NI is now owned by Emerson.  Things are still changing on the NI side, but many of us believe it is for the better so far.

I'm sure there is more, but those are the big things I can think of at the top of my head.  Please stay.  The future is bright.

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"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
Message 4 of 16

Cool, lots of exciting news! 🙂 I will try to find more time and start to get familiar with the "new" LabVIEW 🙂 

Thanks for the very detailed info list! 🙂

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 16

by the way, anyone knows how to set this website back to English? I think i logged in to this NI page a few months ago when i was in Korea for a trip, and since then the buttons and lots of text is in Korean 🤣

Cleared cookies, browsing data,etc, does not seem to help on my Android phone 🙂

Strange, because the actual website is this still:

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 16

@Blokk wrote:

by the way, anyone knows how to set this website back to English?

Try the country / language selection at the bottom end of the site which should bring you to 

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 16

Thanks, but it seems it does not help. It was already set to Hungary (English), but still have Korean language 🙂 Maybe i should start to learn it, anyway it is a nice language 😄
(i will contact site support)



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 16

it seems toggling country to Ireland then back to Hungary (English) helped, now i have full English language in the site 🙂

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 16

Ok, started to prepare LV Community Edition install.

I do not know how many years ago happened that I saw anyone would use an "ISO" (!) file for a SW installer! 😄 


also strange phenomenon in the installer prompt Window:

"LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit" vs "NI LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit". Are these 2 different things? 🙂





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Message 10 of 16