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Incongruous sightings of LabVIEW/NI

After a busy week at work trying to make headway on an automated product test system, I'd gone back to my parents' for a belated Thanksgiving meal (no public holidays for us in the UK, even as an expat 😕 ) and woke up this morning with nothing to do but read the papers.


Flick to the Sports section in the Telegraph, and there's an article on Christian Eriksen, one of Tottenham Hotspurs' new signings this year. The interviewer caught up with him at an education day for a demo of the club's future UTC. Part way through, I read the following line:


"The 21-year-old joined prospective students in trying out Haptic robot arms and a myRIO power helmet, the new wave of technology designed for sport and the medical arena."


Curiosity piqued, a quick Google takes me here:


Remember, that's Eriksen - not Altenbach 😉


Nice bit of free publicity!


Anyone else had any incongruous NI/LabVIEW sightings recently?

Message 1 of 191

I like the nerdyness of the start of the video. 😄



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 191

Sat waiting for a haircut at the barber, leafing through an ancient copy of Top Gear magazine, I stumbled across this:




The article's about a former researcher in a division of BAE Systems, who is labelled as 'the real life Q'. Pretty sure I recognise the researcher's name in the context of SLAM (simultaneous localisation and mapping) - will check when I get home!

Message 3 of 191

On paternity leave for my first child, and have saved a mountain of articles to read through his nights of not sleeping. Stumbled across one on a drive system for a quadriplegic with an unmistakeable shot of LabVIEW in the background.

A bit of digging finds this:

All a little more worthwhile than the production process stuff I do on a day to day basis!
Message 4 of 191

If you haven't found it yet there is a wiki that hasn't been updated in a while, which finds LabVIEW on TV.

Message 5 of 191

Thanks for that.


Meant to upload this earlier:



Message 6 of 191

I saw some LabVIEW code in the PBS documentary "To Catch a Comet" that aired shortly after Rosetta delivered Philae to 67P.


If I recall the scene correctly they were operating some sort of vaccuum chamber and heater to get their simulated comet to sublimate.  As you can see it's 27:00 into the show.




Tim Elsey
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Message 7 of 191

Spotted on the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, firing some vision guided paint ball guns.

video link:


Are any of you guys going to own up to being the guy in the video?



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 191

That's a Waterloo Labs thing. You can find more info on this (and other cool projects they did) on their site -

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 191

Bigger than Darren's Nuggets, using LabVIEW (see screen at upper right), a Kinect, and a robot arm to cut breast fillets from chicken carcasses. Yum!



"It’s the questions that drive us.”
Message 10 of 191