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It must be true, I read it on the interwebs (fracking causes earthquakes)

Confirmed: Fracking caused Ohio earthquakes


"We fully support the decision of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to issue a temporary suspension of five injection wells in the Youngstown area," Thomas E. Stewart of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association adds to the Business Journal. "It was the correct course of action to ensure the safety and peace of mind for area residents."


I'm shocked, and appalled.  I wouldn't be as upset if I was only shocked OR appalled, but I'm definitely both.

You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. ~ Alice
For he does not know what will happen; So who can tell him when it will occur? Eccl. 8:7

Message 1 of 26

Well, I saw it on the evening news on a major US TV network so it must be even truer! 😮


A couple of years ago, they had a series of earthquakes in my old hometown caused by work on a geothermal project, which also involves water injection. Looks quite similar.


(Now living on a network of faults in California we have regular earthquakes no matter what. :D)


Here's an idea: Maybe this could be used as a method to regularly trigger small earthquakes here to relieve strain in a more controlled fashion and prevent strain buildup leading to the Big One. )







Message 2 of 26

This adds to the story from last month, when the EPA announced a strong suspicion that fracking was the likely cause of the contaminated water in Wyoming. Whether or not these instances lead to a policy shift in fracking is anybody's guess. Ask yourself: how much money do the energy companies have to line the pockets of politicians? How do you think they got fracking approved in the first place?

Message 3 of 26

They just fracked a well within walking distance on my house. They are perfectly welcome to frack as much as they want. The minow traps are still producing and my water does not burn.


I work with a couple of guys that support a facking service company that uses NI hardware (over  1K cFP units so far being upgraded to cRIO) mounted on every peice of equipment on the well site. The application carefully tracks everything in and everything out. If you did not know it was a fracking site you could not tell by looking. The only "bad" thing I have ever heard of is some guy who was hirred to haul away the recovered fluids decided he would dump it in a local stream. They nabbed him fast and of course he is no longer a valid sub-contractor.


But on the topic of fracking is bad... has anyone else seen Atlas Shrugged" part I ?


I absolutely loved the ending (as I did that part of the book). I don't see eye to eye with Ayn rand on her philosphy but her knack of predicting... today was uncanny.







Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 4 of 26

@Ben wrote:

[...] They are perfectly welcome to frack as much as they want. [...]

That's what I like to see: IMBY (the opposite of this).  I'd like to see a (private) nuclear power plant built in my back yard.

You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. ~ Alice
For he does not know what will happen; So who can tell him when it will occur? Eccl. 8:7

Message 5 of 26

@jcarmody wrote:

@Ben wrote:

[...] They are perfectly welcome to frack as much as they want. [...]

That's what I like to see: IMBY (the opposite of this).  I'd like to see a (private) nuclear power plant built in my back yard.


Thanks Jim.


I am more than happy to take on what others shun (I do program in LabVIEW after all).


BTW: Youngstown is only about an hour from my place so this news of an earth quake in a place where there has never been one prior to fracking* should make me change my mind. But it won't.


Smiley LOL




* ahem cough cough


Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 26

It is a shame thou that Ben has felt it necessary to change his signature (again) as soon as two of his three assertions came under scrutiny.


Is Coal evil?

Is Fracking evil? (but.... should it be discussed in polite company? Oh, That could spark a thread of it's ownSmiley Very Happy)

Of all the titles I have ever held "Grandpa" is my favorite.  (DJ Bohrer spent the afternoon sleeping on my chest... nice nap!Heart)

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 7 of 26

I just found "The Evidence" obtained with neither my knowledge nor complicity.

warning OT


(Image credit to "The lovely Mrs Bohrer")  Come on- Tebow didn't need my cheers-

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 8 of 26

That is a great picture that you should charish. I have a similar and it still makes my smile.


Re: the signature ...


HEY, I'm gearing up to do one of those altruistic things and its the only billboard I own. Cut me a break. Smiley Wink



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 9 of 26

Is that why "Frack" or "Fracking" has become a bad word in "Battlestar Galactica?"


Did they blow up Caprica by fracking?


Just asking...



0 Kudos
Message 10 of 26