09-30-2013 03:50 AM
Continued from the September 2013 bugs thread
The posting rules are as always:
10-31-2013 08:40 PM
Are we living in an utopian software environment where there are no bugs?? 😄
... probably not, so go out there and find some in November and post them over there.
This thread is now closed.
11-01-2013 12:16 PM
Of course if my bug reports in the LV forum were not being ignored by NI I would have had a couple of CARs to post here. I would also not view reporting there as a futile gesture and report a larger percentage of the bugs I encounter (currently about 10% about to drop to 1%).
11-02-2013 11:45 AM
Darin, I would suggest you just post here even without a CAR#, as this also serves to draw the attention of certain relevant people at NI, which is certainly how I see part of the functionality of these threads.
That might mean that you sometimes post bugs which aren't actually bugs (I think this happened to me), but if you're careful, the SNR is generally very high.