03-05-2010 09:42 AM
Thanks to a few heavy hitters I've become convinced that the tagging feature is under-utilized. So I thought I'd open this thread to invite a discourse on optimal tag usage.
What "rules" for tagging and "tag naming" conventions do you use ?
How is your cloud organized and why is that effective for you?
Can a "best practice" be identified?
Welcome all!
03-05-2010 10:06 AM
The search engine is smart enough to ignore underscores. So by constructing tags using an underscore between key words let you create a connection between them.
All tags (a text string delimited by spaces before and after) are counted and a connection made when they are included for the same post.
So by constructing hierachial names and grouping them in a sinlge post you create structure that if repeated, will create your own outline.
If we stick to the same methdology then the Forums tag cloud becomes the union of all contributors and there fore bigger and better than just mine alone. Don't worry about all of the other tags already in the forums cloud. They will only helps us latter when we include those terms in our clouds.
Stepping back:
Random tag names are like a pile of leeves.
Once we establish a branch in our tree of knowlege, the rnadoms will find their place in the structure.
03-05-2010 10:13 AM
When I get home tonight I'll post up my code that will parse our tag cloud an display same in outline form. The same code also genrates hierachial tags based on your clicks in the catagories.
03-07-2010 10:44 AM
This post is instrctions on how to use the Community Tagging
Tool where I have attached a copy as LV 2009.
This is a work in progress developed to do a simple job and
does not represent good code. Its just a tool.
What it does:
If formats a tag cloud in two forms, a table, and a Tree. The
tree is a new addition and is under evaluation. Tell me if it
is to your liking or not.
THe cloud has to be copied and pasted from a browser. This is
one area I'd like to be able to automate using datasocket
reads from the right URL, but this is just an possible
The tabe shows you the hiarchy of the tags and when you click
it produces a set of tags that corespond to linking into the
tree. These can be collected in a scratch pad that will
transfer to the clipboard with a click. These can then be
posted to teh furum.
So its a tool that starts and ends with the forum that lets
you view and compose branches on the tree of LV knowlege.
Set your tagging settings under as shown below
"My Profile" >>> "Tagging"
"Turn on Tagging" lets you see and post Tgs.
"Show Tag Counts" includes the count next to each tag and is
used in the parsing.
"Tag Cloud Size" affects how many tags are shown in a tag
cloud and therefore how many tags you can cut-n-paste at a
time. Laura indicated we can bump this up if anyone OR the
forum goes over 5000 tags.
That should set you up on the Forum side of things.
Code Setup
Down load and unzip the attached zip. Top level VI is
"ParseTag_ListCounts2.VI" (LV 2009 only).
Instructions on use
Setting the tag cloud.
Click on View All button in the bottom of a Tag Window.
Select all of the tags
Copy to clipboard and then paste into the control labeled "Tag
Cloud". Save as defaults if you want.
Run THe VI
The tag cloud will be parsed and displayed in the table and
the Tree, The number of times a tag is used affects the font
size in the table and Tree.
Click the Table Entry to produce of space delimited list of
tags in the indicator "Tags". Each time you click the table
the new tags are added to teh list in "Tags". I cut and paste
thses to my "Scratch Pad" control. I use the scratch pad as
teh final edit place before posting to the forum.
The Reset Button clears the "Tags" indicator.
Copy to clip" button will copy whatever is in "scratch Pad" to
the clip board and ready to be pasted into the Tag dialog
After a couple of threads of tagging I have to go back and
copy the Tag Cloud again so I can see how the new entries have
enhanced the Tree.
I admit the tool requires a lot of manual work. It is a
community tool that I have poked at and welcome others making
it better if you want.
If you have better ideas how to do this tagging structure tags
names etc. chime in.
03-07-2010 11:25 AM
03-08-2010 08:57 AM
When I get a chance, I'll mod that code to spit out an outline and post it.
Even if you don't want to tag, I still would like to hear your thoughts on the outline.
03-09-2010 07:33 AM
Multiple posts to show the otine at it stands today.
3d Graph
3D Graph AxisRange
3d Graph ColorMap
3D Graph Colors
3D Graph Cursor
Arbitrary Distribution
Array Operations
Array ScrollBar
Automation Interface
Automation Server
BlockDiagram Comments
BlockDiagram Documentation
BlockDiagram Pop-Up
BlockDiagram Techniques
BlockDiagram Tips
03-09-2010 07:39 AM
Can't post the whole outline!
Attached is tab delimted version.
Here is a small sub-set so you can see what we have already.
LabVIEW 2009
LabVIEW 2009 Bug
LabVIEW 2009 IconEditor
LabVIEW 2009 IconEditor Hang
LabVIEW 2009 IconEditor Template
LabVIEW 2009 IconEditor Template Bug
LabVIEW 3D Gauge
LabVIEW 3D Picture
LabVIEW ActionEngine
LabVIEW ActionEngine Solenoid Valves
LabVIEW ActionEngine Solenoid Valves Control
LabVIEW ActionEngine SolenoidValves
LabVIEW ActiveX
LabVIEW ActiveX VIServer
LabVIEW Animation
LabVIEW Application Instance
LabVIEW Arbitrary Distribution
LabVIEW Array
LabVIEW Array 1D
LabVIEW Array 2D
LabVIEW Array Interpolate
LabVIEW Array Interpolation
LabVIEW Array Manipulation
LabVIEW Array Performance
LabVIEW Array Threshold
LabVIEW Array Threshold Interpolate
LabVIEW Array Threshold Interpolation
LabVIEW AssociatedFile
LabVIEW BarGraph
LabVIEW Benchmarking
LabVIEW Best Practice
LabVIEW Best Practice Queue
LabVIEW BlockDiagram
LabVIEW BlockDiagram Techniques
LabVIEW BlockDiagram Tips
LabVIEW Breakpoints
LabVIEW Breakpoints Remove
LabVIEW Breakpoints Remove From-Hierarchy
LabVIEW Cancel
LabVIEW CaseStructure
LabVIEW Chart
LabVIEW Chart Clear
LabVIEW Chart Custom
LabVIEW Chart Custom Scale
LabVIEW Chart History
LabVIEW Chart Markers Arbitrary
LabVIEW Chart SmithChart
Even if you are not into the tagging thing, I would like to hear about the outline and specificly what parts are missing. We can keep our eyes open for the missing parts and add them the the tree as we go.