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VI Shots Live: Episode Airing this Week

Greetings, Wireworkers!
The previous VI Shots Live shows have been a huge success -- thank you for your continued support and viewership!
Join us once more Wednesday, 26 March 2014, 12noon CST (18:00 GMT) for this month's topic - The LabVIEW Nomad: Developing and Debugging LabVIEW Remotely.
Whether a true digital nomad, or a team member of a large organization, there's value to knowing how to develop and debug on remote customer machines. Decoupling your person from your deployment target is not always easy, and this month we've got a panel of experienced developers ready to share their experiences and answer audience questions on how to save resources and make the most of getting work done remotely.
Michael and I are excited to host Fabiola De la Cueva (Principal at Delacor) and Justin Goeres (Senior Engineer and Marketing Manager at JKI) on this topic.
As always, you can join from -- hop on that link a few minutes early, ready with questions to ask the panel!



Pro-tip -- the Event Page (new event page linked each month, accessible from from will add an event to your calendar if you click the "Yes, I'm coming" button (shown below)




(Finally, as a brief logistics note, I'll update this thread monthly rather than creating new threads)

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Join us this week, Wednesday, 23 April 2014, 12noon CST (18:00 GMT) for Episode 005: Acting Up: Panel Discussion on Actors in LabVIEW.


Michael and I are excited to host Dr. James PowellAllen Smith, and Dave Snyder. Or, as you might more familiarly know them on the LabVIEW-Actor scene, drjdpowellniACS, and Daklu.


This show, we'll touch on current strategies and frameworks used for actor-oriented design in LabVIEW, share resources and experiences on the topic, and answer live audience questions.


Join us this Wednesday at, and come prepared with questions about developing actors in LabVIEW!


(Pssst... mark your calendars for a special time next month, Wednesday, 21 May 2014, 4:00pm CST (22:00GMT), where we'll hear a story from a product manager down under and a beloved community advocate within NI)

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Join us this upcoming week -- at a special time, Wednesday, 21 May 2014, 4:00PM CDT (21:00GMT, and 07:00 on Thursday in Sydney) -- for Episode 006: NI GOOP Development Suite Overview(Many thanks to those involved and to viewers for accommodating this special international time)


Michael and I are excited to host Mikael Holmström and Stephen Loftus-Mercer on the topic of GDS. We'll hear the story behind the product acquisition, and share some tips and tricks on using NI-GDS for object-oriented system design in LabVIEW.


As a viewer, come prepared with questions, and we look forward to having you join next week at

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Greetings, wireworkers -- new VI Shots Live Episode airing soon!


Join us this upcoming week -- Wednesday, 30 July 2014, 12:00noon CDT (17:00GMT) for VI Shots Live: Top Things to Do at NIWeek 2014


Michael and I are joined by special guests and long-time NIWeek-goers Becky Linton and Darren Nattinger. We'll share our personal recommendations for sessions and tips on getting the best experience possible at NIWeek.


Viewers of the live show can ask questions and share your own tips using the chat window. Visit to join live next Wednesday and also to watch recordings of previous shows.

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Greetings, wireworkers! Join us this week -- Wednesday, 24 September 2014, 12:00noon CDT (17:00GMT) for Episode 045: The Next Chapter.


Michael and I will host previous guests Brian PowellJustin Goeres, and Christopher G. Relf. Continuing our ongoing VI Shots Live theme of careers in LabVIEW, the conversation this episode focuses on transitions and step changes in your own individual business of software.


Tune in Live at, and come prepared to Ask Us Anything in the live chat!

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