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Who will be the next Knight??

We have two users (who also happen to be LabVIEW Champions)

very close to becoming our newest 10k Shield.PNGKnights of NI!10k Shield.PNG

tst.PNG   Ray.R.PNG

Who will be next to join this elite clan?

Would welcoming 2 new Knights warrant a special knighting ceremony?

Can it be done before NIWeek 2012?

Happy posting!  And may the odds be ever in your favor!

Message 1 of 56

"... special knighting ceremony?"


A jousting match?



Message 2 of 56

Knights out?

Message 3 of 56

@johnsold wrote:

"... special knighting ceremony?"


A jousting match?



NO, jousting involves a risk of loss of life or limb!

I Believe we need these two to contribute to the community.  Imagine how much fewer solutions would be authored if Ray had to type in braile?


Other than that, RACE ON!!! GO, Yair, GO Ray!!!


And no, I'm not making book on this.   The Forum wins either way.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 4 of 56

This is LabVIEW, so the jousting would be done with virtual lances by Knights riding virtual horses, of course.



Message 5 of 56

I'm going to guess Ray, followed by tst about an hour later.

Do I get a prize if I win?

Message 6 of 56

The following is based on the on-line personas of both of the Knights in Waiting as percieved by myself and of course may be and probably are wrong!




Although capable of turning on the after-burners and blowing all away with mind blowing truths strikes me as one who shuns public praise blah, blah, blah. I guess he will either sit back and let Ray go if he does not create a new user account and abandon "tst" forever.




Strikes me as someone who would not miss a chance for a party and Knighthood could be just the ticket he needs to allow himslef to pop a cork.




I guess Ray will be next.


The mystery for me is if Yair allows himself knighthood.


Done speculating,



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 56

I just want to know how a Knight will be honoured for becoming Knight. I have seen the photo posted by Ben some time before about his Knighting ceremony.


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 56

@P Anand wrote:

I just want to know how a Knight will be honoured for becoming Knight. I have seen the photo posted by Ben some time before about his Knighting ceremony.


I can't speak for NI but if they asked me NI would...


Fly the new Knight to Austin for NI Week and set aside part of one of the Key-notes to allow Jeff K to weild his sword and make it official.


"and then there would be great rejoicing!"




Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 9 of 56

Seems really cool Ben.. Advance wishes to Ray and tst for the great moment... 🙂


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
Message 10 of 56