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Wireless Router

I'm having some weird internet problems at home, has anybody seen something like this before?

We had DL speeds of ~ 1 Mbps and UL speeds of ~0.3 Mbps.


We tried upgrading via our ISP, and were told we would get:
DL --> 6 Mbps

UL --> 1.5 Mbps


After they confirmed the change went through on their end,

I checked if we were seeing the new speed on our end.

By looking at the router (via 192.168.x.x) it said it was getting 6 Mbps down and 1.5 Mbps up... perfect.

However, after going to some benchmarking websites, such as we are still seeing the slower speed (1 Mbps down).

Would the router be limiting the speed to a given computer for any reason?
Or is something else likely to be the culprit?

Cory K
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 17

What router are you referring to? Do you have a router that's separate from your DSL modem, or does your DSL modem have a router built-in?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 17

Its called the DGN2000, which for some reason I cannot find on their website,

but this one is pretty close.


Yes, it is both a wireless router and DSL modem 2-in-1.

Cory K
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 17


Cory K wrote:

By looking at the router (via 192.168.x.x) it said it was getting 6 Mbps down and 1.5 Mbps up... perfect.


OK, that probably just means it is configured that way. There is no guarantee that you will actually get that.


How far away are you from the CO?


Slower speed could be due to many reasons. Can you test your speed to a server at the ISP?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 17
I'm not sure if that is reflecting a measured speed or a configuration/setting.Here's what it says at the router's homepage:



That is where I got the impression that I am getting 6 Mbps down (though the UL speed is a little slower than I thought).


According to the speedtest results, the server they are using is <50 miles away.

Here are the results of that test



As for your last question, I'll have to contact my ISP to find out if they have a test server for that purpose.


Cory K
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 17

Are you testing via wireless or with a computer wired to the router?


Can yo do a line quality test here, for example?

Message 6 of 17

I tried a few times from:


- laptop

---> Windows 7, 64-bit

---> Wireless connection


- desktop computer

---> Windows Vista, 32-bit, SP2 

---. LAN connection to router


Both measure approximately the same speed.


As for the line quality test, it appears to be offline at the moment, but I'll keep checking that utility as well





Thanks for the suggestions so far, I'll keep poking around to see if I can figure out what the problem is.

Cory K
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 17

Simple question: Have you contacted AT&T?

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 17

Haha, yes I have contacted AT&T.

After several (6-8) hours of tech support, they basically gave up and told me to call Netgear.

After several more hours of tech support with Netgear, they haven't really told me anything I don't already know (ie reset the router, etc).


I just thought I'd ask you guys, in case you're familiar with the functionality of routers and if this is expected behavior for some reason.

Cory K
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 17

What happens when you try and download a few files simultaneously?

Do you get a speed greater than when you download just the one? (try a multi threaded download if you can too).

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 17