Budapest LabVIEW User Group (BudLUG)

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BUDLUG2 Invitation - there are still slots open for presenting. Please join us next week!

Dear BUDLUG friends,


During our first meeting we started a wonderful tradition and it is time to meet again!


I would like to invite you to the second Budapest LabVIEW User Group #BudLUG2. Because year 2020 is the year LabVIEW finally gets interface support the theme of our second meeting will be "Object Oriented Programming" with focus on your architectures, best practices and lessons learned.

Once again you will have a chance to learn from interesting presentations given by fellow Architects, exchange ideas and socialize. Let’s start 2020 strong!


When: On Wednesday the 15th of January from 17:15

Where: National Instruments Budapest Office, Neumann Janos utca 1/E, Building E, 2nd floor



17:30 - Quick Introduction to SOLID Design Principles - Piotr Kruczkowski

18:30 - The Separation of Concerns Design Principle - Denis Stavila

19:30 - Open for volunteers

20:30 - Lessons learned from functional programming (CLA Presentation) - Piotr Kruczkowski


Call for Speakers & Presentations

If you would like to present your topics, please reach out to and/or vote for topics at



You can register here for the upcoming meeting.


See you there,

BudLUG Committee

Piotr Kruczkowski
Certified TestStand Architect
Certified LabVIEW Architect
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