11-21-2014 12:08 AM
first let me start by apologizing if i am posting this in the wrong section, I'm pretty new here. I am enrolled to take the labview core-1 and core-2 classes at a training center in Ft Wayne Indiana in February. I am having surgery tomorrow on my foot so I will be off of work and laid up for a few weeks, so I was wondering if there were any good study materials i could start using to help gain some knowledge before attending the classes. I play with labview a bit, but not knowing much I'm limited on what i understand while "playing" with it. i have found this forum to be great for finding information, but not having any official training most of the stuff i find in the forums is still over my head. i do intend on continuing my education in labview and going for the CLAD certification when i get to that point and feel ready to take the exam. can anyone help guide me in a good direction to start gaining knowledge that will help me along in my journey in learning this amazing world of labview? thanks in advance for any help you can offer. again, i apologize if I am posting this in the wrong section.
06:14 AM
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10:19 AM
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There are a bunch of links to free, online training at the bottom of this page - https://forums.ni.com/t5/Community-Documents/Unofficial-Forum-Rules-and-Guidelines/ta-p/3536495
06:23 AM
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10:22 AM
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LabVEW Basics
Self Paced training beginner to advanced, SSP Required
LabVIEW Wiki on Training
Getting Started with NI Products
11-21-2014 09:26 AM
First- NEVER appologize for wanting to learn! (That should make the LabVIEW Proverbs thread)
Next "Thank you", "Welcome", "Get well soon", and "Congratulations" are in order- Pick where you want each
If you have an SSP, you have access to the on-line courses! Manipulating computer mice does not really need you to use your feet much.