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Doubt In CLD 9

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Hi again.  No problem


1)  Decide this based on requirements.  Sorry to be vague, but that issue is part of the exam challenge.  Other forum members may weigh in on this point to discuss relative merits of each.  

2)  Yes, certainly.  Just be careful that the functionality you "skip" doesn't prevent too much additional functionality from implementing or being displayed.  Prioritizing requirements and working modularly is a developer-level skill.  

3)  This one also is part of the exam.  A developer-level programmer should be aware of more advanced architectures and choose the best based on the requirements.  


With your permission, I'll step back and let other forum members pick up this thread.  I had stepped in since there were specific grading questions -- I believe others can do you better than I from here!


Best of luck (honestly, from the types of questions you're asking I don't think you'll need luck!)

Certification Engineer II
National Instruments

Certified LabVIEW Developer

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 28

Thank you very very very much Fisel for your answers and support.


Thanks for being helpful.


Warm Regards








0 Kudos
Message 12 of 28

I'll try to give at least my perspective on some of your questions. I don't work with our certifications team so it's all my opinion though.


1.Local variable or property node according ot the CLD requirements.


Ideally you are going to just write or read from the control/indicator. If you can use dataflow then use it. Of course when this just isn't possible I usually stick to local variables (becuase they are faster) unless I have many items I could be writing to but need to decide on run time, which may be easier using property nodes.


2.Is its there any possibility to pass the CLD exam even after not completing the applicaton development requirement fully.


Yes, just look at the point breakdown of the grading. To go one step further though, make sure you can at least run your VI. It's hard to test functionality with a broken run arrow.


3. As i have seen that we can solve the all sample exams with simple state machine(without using event strut.) Is there any disadvantages of not being using any advanced structure.


Know how to use different design patterns because the design pattern that is best for one exam is not necessarily best for all of them. Remember you only have 4 hours to do this so using an advanced architecture that takes a lot of time to set up might not be the best idea. I just ended up using a Simple State Machine but I think that you should at least know how to impliment an Event Driven State Machine (think JKI) or a Queued Message Handler.


My next suggestion for you would be to try one of the sample exams and post the results in a new thread for critique. 


Good Luck,

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 28

Hello Matt,


Thanks for your response and suggestion.


Actually right now i am going thourgh the success package and then sample exams. After the going thourgh the sucess package i will attempt the sample exam and post on this forum.


I would like to request you to if it possible for you to please advice me how to procedure the actual CLD exam or any strategy how to apporach actual CLD exam after getting the specfication(Exam paper).


I will be very thankful to you if you can help me on this.


Warm Regards


0 Kudos
Message 14 of 28

For the most part, the approach is just going to be you programming and trying to implement the requested functionality with good documentation and style. My two recommendations for approaching the test would be to spend a bit more time than you think you need reading through the prompt and to stop adding functionality with ~15 minutes left.


The first suggestion is to make sure that you have an architecture in mind and the basics state that you will need to include so you don't get an hour into programming and realize that you really should have used some different architecture for your particular prompt. Measure twice, cut once right?


The second suggestion isn't advice that you always need to follow but something you should be thinking about towards the end of the CLD. It's pretty likely that you will have ~15 minutes remaining and have a piece of functionality in mind that you really want to implement. You may be able to implement the feature and get another point in functionality, but in doing so you may also break some other functionality and with <15 minutes you either have to scramble to fix it or move to a backup save. There definitely comes a time when it is better to just document and clean up what you have over attempting to force that one last feature.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 28

Thanks Matt for your quicker response and suggestion.


Sorry that i have been asking too many questions.


Regarding development speed should i need to learn quick drop with my own shortcut(as so many people have posted).


Can you please suggest me any suggestion for increasing the overall development time as CLD is all about TIme Time........


Thanks once again.





0 Kudos
Message 16 of 28

When it comes to speed, it's all about practice. Developing programs in LabVIEW and using the tools you want to use for the CLD (quick drop shortcuts, VI analyzer) on a regular basis is the only way you are going to get faster.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
0 Kudos
Message 17 of 28

Thanks Matt.


One more doubt i have is.


In one of the sample exam(Boiler Controller)its being written that (increment the timer count indicator elapsed time in seconds).


Weather it means that indicator should display only seconds without any decimal point or what. I am confuse on this point.


Can you please help me on this point.




0 Kudos
Message 18 of 28

Can any one please help me on this above doubt.



0 Kudos
Message 19 of 28
Accepted by LV_COder

Hi Hemant,


If the requirements document does not specifically say that it should update with or without decimal places, then it is up to you to make that decision. As long as the timer is incrementing and displaying the correct updates, there is no problem. 


I would not spend too much time worrying about minor details like this. The CLD exam is a test of if you can make a functional LabVIEW program in a very short time. We are not evaluating any of the requirements to the split second, as there are many different approaches which yield different results. In fact, some of the requirements are intentionally vague in order for the developer to have some freedom in how they implement their solution. Use your best judgment, as you will have to be able to answer these questions yourself on your actual CLD exam. 


(Personally, I would update the indicator with decimal precision, as I'm impatient and like to see things constantly updating)


Best Regards,


Nathanael Letchford

Certified LabVIEW Architect | Certified Teststand Developer

Certification Engineer | Global Customer Education

National Instruments 

National Instruments
Staff Certification Engineer
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Message 20 of 28