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Non default used on typedefined constants

@Ben wrote:

i just looked at the CLA exam solution for the ATM and found




Bad bad bad.




Would it really be a "Good Example" if it scored 40?


And that is a point worth re-iterating on this thread:

according to my magic 8-Ball: (I herd [super edit:: I'm replying to Ben and wondering what way I need to spell "Heard?See Note 1" ] this somewhere but cannot provide a source)  


The posted example solutions were "Adopted" from actual passing submissions from tests when the tests were retired.  There never has been (or could be See Note 2) a "Golden Solution".  


I'm Sure the VIA was run on that example!  The original submitter got a new shirt....and probably a short note to look into that practice.


Note1: Niether Ben nor I can spell worth $hit!


Note2: because LabVIEW lets you "Skin a cat" in so many different ways, how Could you provide a gold solution without comparing compiled objects?  And, when the compiler keeps getting smarter.......?  how do you give a 42? 

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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