07-24-2007 09:25 PM
07-25-2007 12:45 AM
07-25-2007 01:12 AM
07-25-2007 03:27 AM - edited 07-25-2007 03:27 AM
Message Edité par JB le 07-25-2007 10:28 AM
07-25-2007 10:01 AM
07-25-2007 10:51 AM
07-27-2009 04:58 AM
Just one question:
- 6602 clock runs at 80Mhz and stability is 200ppm
Therefore, 80,000,000 * 200 / 1,000,000 = 16,000 Hz
So no matter the method you use, you always get 16Khz error due to the clock stability.
Am I wrong? I just hope not, because that 'll mean that I can not measure frequency in my design using NI 6602 or 6608 even not with FPGA ...
07-28-2009 04:57 PM
07-29-2009 02:29 AM
Thanks for the response!
That is actually no good news for me, as I want to make a 0.1Hz resolution measurement.
Yes, I already read this document, quite nice indeed. But in fact, I think it is slightly better: I read in the 6602 manual that the stability is 50ppm when attached to a chassis.
In any case, even if I can get a 75ppm I get a 4Khz error.
If I use 6608 instead (75ppb) then I get this error as having a 80Mhz clock:
75ppb * 80Mhz = 6Hz
Which is still too much error.
I just wonder: 6608 has 3 time bases available:
So maybe if I use the 100Khz time base I get this error:
75ppb * 100Khz = 0.075Hz
Which would be indeed perfect. However I am not sure THIS calculation is right, as I find no reference on this in the manuals/specs sheets.
07-30-2009 11:37 AM