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Communicate USB-4301 with LabView 2009

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Helo everyone.

I'am begginer to LabVIEW. I have a problem with install a Counter/Timer USB device: USB-4301. 
I installed all (i hope) required software: MCC DAQ Software (Istacal), LabVIEW 2009. 
Instacal recognize USB-4301. I click on "calibrate" panel and then click "ok".
Next, in NI MAX (Measurment & Automation Explorer) in "Devieces and Interfaces" panel it is not displaying any information about my USB-4301. I guess, it is bad. I tried to create new device, so i clicked on "Create New..." -->"Simulated NI-DAQmx Device or Modular Instrumend" and the list of avaliable devices are not including my board (USB-4301).

Please, can ayone help me with that?

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Accepted by mMonka

Hello mMonka,
Measurement & Automation Explorer is a device manager for native NI devices. So it shouldn't surprise you that your 3rd party device is not listed there. Basically this would never work. You should rather download proper driver that is available for download on the support web page of the vendor of your device.
With the proper driver (+LabVIEW API) you might be able to control your device using API functions located under User Libraries as it is shown in this forum thread.


Ondřej K.

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