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Counter Output *only* on non-default line and *not* on the default line

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Dear all,


I've read through many related posts. None have solved my problem. I am aware of the "lazy uncommit" issue of digital routing.


But my post is about something else (I think).


I use a USB-6211 and want to use e.g. PFI 6 for a counter output (Pulse Train), but the default line of e.g. ctr0 is PFI 4. No problem via Export signal. Works perfectly.

However, the Ctr0 Output will be still duplicate on the default line (PFI 4) . This is a problem as I have to use this particular line for another DO task.


1) Resetting or tristating PFI 4 doesn't work while the counter is still running

2) Stopping the counter, then resetting is no option, as PFI 4 is again reserved when the Counter is resumed

3) Starting to DO task on PFI 4 work, but it is overwritten without error by the Counter task once it launches.


So, how can I release PFI 4 while the counter keeps outputting over another line?

Ideas ? Thank you all in advance.

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author tobiy

I guess I found a solution, but I can check it only once I return to the machine and can probe it with an osci. Labview throws no errors though.


Instead of using the Export Signal Node to the non-default line PFI 6, I plugged the Channel Node and write PFI 6 into CO.Pulse.Term.


After launching the CO this way, I can create DO tasks on the default like PFI 4 without error.

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Message 2 of 3

What you came up with was what I was thinking when reading your first message.  I'll just add a little "why" to the "what" of your solution.


The difference is that the second approach where you *define* CO.Pulse.Term establishes PFI 6 as the one and only destination for the counter output before the task is started and the resources get assigned and reserved.  Thus PFI 4 remains free to be used in other ways.


The first approach with Export Signal was routing out an additional *copy* of the pulse signal to PFI 6, but also maintinaing the default routing to PFI 4.  In that approach, both PFI pins were reserved for the counter task.



-Kevin P

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Message 3 of 3