I have a PCI-6221. I am programming in C/C++ and DAQmx. My application is much like the previous thread counting the number of asynchronous TTL pulses from a PMT in some user specified time interval. The time interval is typically around 1 msec and the signal rates are around 1-10 kHz. So I expect to count 0 to 10 pulses per timebin. In traditional DAQ this was called Non-cumulative buffered edge counting.
To get a clock at about 1kHz, I first create an "analogue in" task that samples at 1kHz. The only thing I use this task for is to route its sample clock to the gate of the counter. This defines my time interval as 1 msec.
I then create the counter task. I am using count edges. So I think counter0 gate = PFI9 and source = PFI8.
where clockSource="/Dev1/ai/SampleClock"
I apply my signal to PFI8.
After starting the task, I read an array of values with
I expect the array data to have values ranging from 0-10 for PMT input with an average rate of about 10 kHz. The trouble is that the array data does not seem to make sense. I get constantly increasing values. For very low input frequency, it just increments by one per array member.
More troublesome, when I hold PFI8 at ground, so that I expect zero pulses to be counted at the source for each edge at the gate that occur 1 per msec, I get a timeout error. I really must be able to count zero events per bin.
Am I doing something obviously wrong?