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PXI-6624 custom device

Hello, Sorry for my bad english. I start with the custom device. I want use two PXI-6624 with Veristand for counter I/O. So I try to creat two easy custom device, one for each card. The program is ok in Labview, the Configuraton/Engine build too. I can interget it, in Veristand without problems. The target deployment is well but I don't see anything in output with an osciloscop. I think it's because of the connection beetween the PXI and the device. You can find, in attached files, the program for one of the two card. It's the more simple of the two device, just two input and two ouput. Thank for your advice
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Message 1 of 5

Hello HervéM,


Unfortunately there is no attachment.
Could you spot below the files you wanted to attach ?



Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
Certified LabWindowsCVI Developer
National Instruments France

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Message 2 of 5

Hello Valentin,


Sorry, It's mistake.

it's joint now.

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Message 3 of 5

Thanks very much, HervéM.

Your Custom Device for 6624 maybe could solve my problem with using this device in veristand. However, I can not edit the channels of this device. Which chanel is used as DEPHASAGE_AAC and which is used as DEPHASAGE_AAC_2? Further more, which channel is used as VIT_VEH_ROUE_ARD and which is used as VIT_VEH_ROUE_ARD_2? Can you help me with that? Thank you!




May the odds be ever in your favor.
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Message 4 of 5

Hello Ravi,

The previous code doesn't work. I has change for two custom devices, one for inputs, the other for outputs. that my two first custom devices, so the code is not very clear, so not easely modifiable. I think it will be easyer to create your own custom devices. I just remenber, the imputs cann't stop directly, you have to stop the DAQmx task for "0hz" signal.

For the input the fonction, which return the duty cycle and the frequency, cannot be use with the pxi-6624 cards. it's possible to calculate this values with the function, which return an 1D bouble array, and the number of input sample.


I hope it's help you,




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Message 5 of 5