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Timing Function


Ich möchte nun im folgende VI die Digital OUTs in den Casestrukturen ganz rechts 3 Sek. aktiv lassen.
Im Moment schalten sie gleich wieder ab wenn sie aktiv waren.

Ich möchte Sie nicht nur kurzzeitig aktivieren , sondern diese 3 sek. lang aktiv lassen.

Wie kann ich das verwirklichen?

danke für eure Hilfe
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Message 1 of 3

Now I would leave in the following VI the Digitally OUTs in the Cases completely to the right of 3 sec. active. At the moment they switch off immediately again if they were active.

I would like to activate you not only for a short time, but let this to 3 sec. long active

How can I realize this?
thanks for your help
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Message 2 of 3
Here is a little example that works with similar functions as you use in your vi. Currently it needs an initialization period of 3 seconds until you can use it. This might be easily improved if your applications requires other behavior than that.

Best regards,

Jochen Klier
National Instruments Germany
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Message 3 of 3