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count revolution per minute with NI 9237 and strain gauges

Hello community,


i am a labview beginner and i need some help.


I work on a alternating bending machine which is bending a specimen. An AC motor produces the alternating bending. The AC motor in question has a revolution of 1380 per minute. My aim is to count the load cycle. For this i will use a NI 9237 Modul. I installed four strain gauges on the machine, wired them with a wheatstone full-bridge and connect this with the NI 9237. I want to count load cycle out of the determined continuous signal with the zero crossing function. I tried to do this but i always get a different and wrong value. I also tried to adjust the sample values as advised in other posts.


Thank you all in advace for your help.





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Message 1 of 7

Hello Bonushead,


i tried your programm with a simulated modul and it seems that the zero line crossing is detected correct.

Can you please post an example what is measured and what you expect?


Thanks a lot.

best regards
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Message 2 of 7

Hi Duffy2007,


thanks for your fast answer.


I want to measure the bending moment in the specimen and count the load cycles until the fraction of it.

When i turn on the machine, begin recording data for a time of 60s, sometimes it gives me a value far below of

what i expect.


Maybe i have to try adjusting again my samplerate.


Best regards



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Message 3 of 7

Hello bonushead,


i change the acquisition so it delivers every 100ms new values, also the stop from the measurement and the elapsed time is changed. I think the different valus can came from the strain so in my DAQ a offset nulling is done before the measurement starts is implemented.


Hope it helps.

best regards
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Message 4 of 7

Hello Duffy 2007,


first of all thanks for your idea and time.


I tried the vi. It helped me to think further.

When i start it, it was counting right. But after severel load cycles the counting slows down. Because of that, I

put a sequens in the loop that performs the analysing of the strain signal to shorten the looptime.


Now I got a problem with detecting the minimum and maximums of every cycle. Like you can see in attached text editor data,

I get 2 to 3 minimums and maximums for each load cycle. Is there a possibility to measure only the highest and lowest amplitude of one cycle?


best regards

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Message 5 of 7

Hello Bonushead


if you only want min and max read out the array from the waveform you want to analyse and use the min max function




Hope it helsp a little bit.

best regards
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Message 6 of 7

Hello Duffy2007,


I tried it out before with array max&min but in this case their where outputed more values per loadcycle then I did it with the amplitude function.


Nevertheless, many thanks for your suggestions. They helped me to solve the problem.


best regards.

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Message 7 of 7