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generate square wave pulses using PCI-5105



I am trying to get a square wave pulses as trigger for a switch using the PFI channel on PCI-5105. But when I use DAQ assistant in labview, I cannot find the PFI channel. I tested my 5105 with MAX and it looks OK. so I am wondering whether the PCI-5105 is not supported by DAQ assistant? or my Labview is kinda old? now I am using Labview 8. The frequency is about 5000 Hz, then how can I get the pulses using the PFI channel? Thanks a lot.

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Message 1 of 3

Hello WangOU,


The DAQ Assistant in LabVIEW is built on the NI-DAQmx driver and function calls. You can tell that the DAQ Assistant is using the DAQmx drivers by right-clicking the blue DAQ assistant block and selecting Generate NI-DAQmx code. You'll see that the code snippet uses VIs from the DAQmx driver. The PCI-5105 device is separate from our DAQmx devices and requires the NI-SCOPE driver to run. We cannot run this purely using DAQmx which means that the DAQ assistant isn't going to be able to correctly make the connection and give off the readings that you'd want. Instead, you will need to use VI's from the NI-SCOPE palette in LabVIEW to configure your device and select the PFI line you would like to trigger from. As an example I would recommend opening the Example Finder (Help>>Find Examples) and navigating to Hardware Input and Output>>Modular Instruments>>NI-SCOPE>>Demos>>niScope EX Configured This example will demonstrate how you may select the Trigger Type and Trigger Source for your device. 

Wes W
Application Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

thanks WesWNI,


I found the sample and now I can get singal as input using the PFI channel, but I still cannot generate square wave, so would you like to show me which VI I should use to write signal into the PFI channel? Thanks a lot.

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