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how to connect USB 6259 so that I can generate pulse trains from a counter

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We've just bought NI USB-6259 BNC. We used to use BNC-2110 which has BNC terminals for trigger and counter so that we can send pulse trains through it to our electrical stimulator.

However, I can't find any BNC terminal for counter output on the new device. Could anyone teach me how to do it?




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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author jeongho20000

Hi, Jay.


Great question.  The following screenshot will give you the Counter/Timer Signal associated with its respective PFI line:


This table can be found in the NI-DAQmx help (NI-DAQmx Device Terminals Help » NI USB-6259 BNC).


To access these PFI lines from one of the user-defined BNC (User 1 and User 2), wire the desired PFI line to the desired User line.  For example, if I wanted to access Counter 0 Out from the User 1 BNC, I would wire the USER 1 pin to the PFI 12 pin.  The USB-6259 BNC specifications manual doesn't give a good description of how to access the User 1 and User 2 BNCs, so I would refer to page 9 of the user manual of the BNC-2110.  It's the same basic concept, just different pin-outs.


Let me know if you need any more information.  I hope you're having an incredible day!


Sara Lewandroski
Applications Engineer | National Instruments
Message 2 of 3

Hi, Sara,


Thanks for your reply. Great help! 



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