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Delay, combi trigger How to delay activation



I am working on a model of digestive tract (7 bioreactors) and willing to activate pumps with different delay to simulate time of digestion

but I dont seem to be able to do it even though i tried differen approach, 


So I want every pumps to run cycles of 10 minutes activation every height hours

Pump 0 starting at t=0

Pump1 starting at t=190

Pump2 starting at t= 380

Pump3 starting at t=630 ....


So using  TTL generator is efficient to define cycles

Low TTL to switch On pump

High TTL to switch Off pump

but what about  when t < delay : 


It seems thta i can't wrap my mind around functionnality of combi trigger, relay, time delay modules


What I do right now is reading a file with the correct inputs 



working on Dasylab 12 and powerDNA cube w/ DNA-DIO-403 & DNA-AI-201


Any help would be appreciated



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Could you please post your code ? It would help a lot to understand what you are trying to achieve.


Thank you in advance

Maxime L
Certified LabVIEW Architect
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Hi Maxime!


After having tried like all kind of approach i finally found an example of syntax for logical tests which allowed me to run my experiment properly


if anyone is interested, here's my solution :


Timebase ->Formula interpreter ->output


like i said i got 4 pumps which starts at different times but almost all the same pace

i.e :

- P0 starts at t=0 is active for 10 mins every 8 hours

-P1 starts at t=190 is active for 10 mins every 8 hours

-P2 starts at t=380 is active for 10 mins every 8 hours

-P3 starts at t=630 is active for 10 mins every 7 hours


Test for P0 : ((IN(0) < ${TIME_ACTIVATION}) OR  (IN(0)  MOD ${PERIOD_P0_1_2} < ${TIME_ACTIVATION})) * 5



Test for P1 :  (( (IN(0) =  ${DELAY_1}) AND (IN(0) <= ( ${DELAY_1} + ${TIME_ACTIVATION}) ) ) OR ( (IN(0) - ${DELAY_1}) MOD  ${PERIOD_P0_1_2} <=${TIME_ACTIVATION}) AND (IN(0) > ${DELAY_1}) )*5




I'm not sure i'm clear, what do you think of this solution ? Smiley Happy


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