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RS232 input module problem

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Hello everyone,

I am trying to read and record data from a balance using DASYLab.

Dasylab and Windows device manager detect the right COM port, although sometimes I cannot see the connected port in command prompt (using command "mode").

Everything looks all right, but I don't get any data in RS232 input channel. 

I tried to monitor the interface module even while requesting data (using 2WOW\f), but no success!

I appreciate your help and suggestions.

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Message 1 of 25

The RS232 module in DASYLab is very simple,  Before you try to run it, I would use the RS232 Monitor option to see if you get the data you wanted.


To better help you we would need the manual of yor scale (balance) where it explain how to use the RS232 to communicate

Tom Rizzo
InSyS Corp.
Your DASYLab integrator
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Message 2 of 25

Dear Tom,

Thank you for your reply.


Balance wiks fine, b/c I already connected it to another software and it worked allright.

Reson for using DASYlab is that I have to many devices to record at same time, which dasylab would provide me with ability to handle them.

 the status of the RS232 monitor is "waiting for data" all the times, while the balance is sending the data (shown at other software).


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 25

We use DASYLab with RS232 all the time with many different systems and is is a great product to do that, unfortunately, just because it does work with another software, it dosn't mean that is will work right away with DASYLab for many reasons that are not fault of DASYLab.


If you could attach the PDF of the balance, maybe C.J or I could help a litle

Tom Rizzo
InSyS Corp.
Your DASYLab integrator
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Message 4 of 25

Attached to the post

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 25

What happens when you open the RS232 Monitor? Is there any data? If so, can you post a screen shot.


The manual says "bits" but the text says CR LF, which are typically bytes. I'm not sure about the translation to English. 


If not, check the Interface settings. There is a setting for the hardware handshake.... try the three settings that say "without". Even though this appears to be a simple three wire device, it might still want on of the other pins held high or low. 

Measurement Computing (MCC) has free technical support. Visit www.mccdaq.com and click on the "Support" tab for all support options, including DASYLab.
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Message 6 of 25

Nothing really, it just says "wait for data" at the status bar - check the attachement.

I only got once data from the balance, and it was only when I used "2WOW\f" at the white box at RS232 monitor! Everytime I pressed "send" I got the right weight at the respond. It only worked for, like, 10 minutes, and now it is not working anymore.

The respond was like:

    25.25 gr <CR><LF>


I tried various handshaking, too. still nothing!

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 25

This is the setting that you want, I think


AUTOPRINT PC (Continuous data output)
The setting AUTPRINT PC is in the PRINTER-routine, and there it can be selected or deselected. When
AUTOPRINT PC is active the actual weighing values will be sent continuously via the RS 232 interface.


The command that you're sending should be 


"2WOW\r\n"  not "2WOW\f"


But I'm not sure what the command is. The book says this


t Tare.
w a weighing value (or unstable) is sent via RS 232 interface.
s a stable weighing value is sent via RS 232 interface.
If the balance receives the command w or s, it acts without printing delay.


So, I would send




If you have the vendor's software, you can use a RS232 port monitoring package to see what that software sends and receives.

this is the package I like to use.



Measurement Computing (MCC) has free technical support. Visit www.mccdaq.com and click on the "Support" tab for all support options, including DASYLab.
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Message 8 of 25

now, this is the results:

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 25

Oh dear.


Can you click the Hex button and post again.


This may be considerably more complex than the manufacturer's manual suggests.


Check the interface settings, and verify them. 


The next step will be to run the Portmon software that I suggested and send the log from the vendor software that works. 

Measurement Computing (MCC) has free technical support. Visit www.mccdaq.com and click on the "Support" tab for all support options, including DASYLab.
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Message 10 of 25