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Text filename being converted when opening

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I have a collection of text files that I wish to batch process to remove unwanted channels and then save to TDM format. Each file has a 12 digit name in which the first 10 digits are a common number and the last two digits count from 01 to 11, resulting in filenames running from from 006300200001.txt to 006300200011.txt. What I get back is a series of files with highly modified names, some of which appear to be in hex format. Examples are 006300~1, 006300~4, 0032C7~1 and 00B711~1. Clearly they all have only 8 characters.


If I open one of these files I can see in the portal that the filename is modified. Is there any way around this so that I can retain the original filenames?


For info, they are being opened using a datafile plugin.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

Did you create the PlugIn yourself? Can you show the source code?

DIAdem experience since 1996

Turn-key applications - Remote and on-site trainings - On-the-job training

| müller+krahmer GmbH | Koenitzer Straße 14, 07338 Kaulsdorf / Germany |
| Phone: +49 36733 / 2328 - 6 | Mobile: +49 160 / 287 7294 |
| Email: mueller@mueller-krahmer.de | Web: www.mueller-krahmer.de |
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Yes I did, via the Text file wizard.


Code is as follows:

'The DIAdem 11.3 DataPlugin Wizard generated this script on 9/22/2016 09:08.
'Refer to DataPlugin Wizard in the DIAdem help for more information about the
'generated functions and procedures.
Option Explicit
Const eIgnore=101
Const eChannel=1
Const eChannelGroup=2

Sub ReadStore(File)
  Dim AreaTypes
  Dim AreaLineCounts
  Dim DataBeginLine
  Dim GroupPropNames
  Dim GroupPropDataTypes
  Dim GroupPropValues
  Dim GroupName
  Dim ChannelPropNames
  Dim ChannelPropDataTypes
  Dim ChannelPropValues
  Dim ChannelNames
  Dim Group
  Dim ChannelTypes
  Dim Channels
  Call SetLineFormatter(File)
  AreaTypes      = Array(eIgnore,eChannel)
  AreaLineCounts = Array(2,2)
  DataBeginLine  = GetDataBeginLine(File,AreaTypes,AreaLineCounts)
  GroupPropNames     = Array()
  GroupPropDataTypes = Array()
  GroupPropValues = GetGroupPropValues(File,AreaTypes,AreaLineCounts,GroupName,GroupPropNames,GroupPropDataTypes,NULL,1)
  ChannelPropNames     = Array("name","description")
  ChannelPropDataTypes = Array(eString,eString)
  ChannelPropValues = GetChannelPropValues(File,AreaTypes,AreaLineCounts,ChannelNames,ChannelPropNames,ChannelPropDataTypes,NULL,1)
  Set Group = CreateGroup(File,Root,GroupName,GroupPropNames,GroupPropValues)
  ChannelTypes = Array(eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64,eR64)
  Set Channels = CreateChannels(File,DataBeginLine,Group,ChannelNames,ChannelTypes,ChannelPropNames,ChannelPropValues,False)
End Sub

Sub SetLineFormatter(File)
  File.Formatter.LineFeeds = GetLineFeed(File)
  File.Formatter.CommentSign = ""
  File.Formatter.IgnoreEmptyLines = True
End Sub
Sub SetGroupPropFormatter(File)
  File.Formatter.Delimiters = vbTab & ""
  File.Formatter.DecimalPoint = "."
  File.Formatter.ThousandSeparator = ""
  File.Formatter.ExponentSeparator = "e"
  File.Formatter.StringSign = ""
  File.Formatter.TimeFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss"
  File.Formatter.TrimCharacters = ""
  File.Formatter.NoValueSign = ""
End Sub
Sub SetChannelPropFormatter(File)
  File.Formatter.Delimiters = vbTab & ""
  File.Formatter.DecimalPoint = "."
  File.Formatter.ThousandSeparator = ""
  File.Formatter.ExponentSeparator = "e"
  File.Formatter.StringSign = ""
  File.Formatter.TimeFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss"
  File.Formatter.TrimCharacters = ""
  File.Formatter.NoValueSign = ""
End sub
Sub SetChannelValueBlockFormatter(File)
  File.Formatter.Delimiters = vbTab & ""
  File.Formatter.DecimalPoint = "."
  File.Formatter.ThousandSeparator = ""
  File.Formatter.ExponentSeparator = "e"
  File.Formatter.StringSign = ""
  File.Formatter.TimeFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss"
  File.Formatter.TrimCharacters = ""
  File.Formatter.NoValueSign = ""
End Sub

Function GetLineFeed(File)
  Dim BuffSize
  Dim CurrPos
  Dim sgBuffer
  Dim CharSize
  Dim CharCount
  If (File.Formatter.CharacterFormat = eUTF16) Then
    CharSize = 2
    CharSize = 1
  End If
  CharCount = File.Size/CharSize
  BuffSize = 200
  If (BuffSize > CharCount) Then BuffSize = File.Size   
  CurrPos = File.Position
  sgBuffer = File.GetCharacters(BuffSize)
  If (InStr(sgBuffer,vbCRLF) > 0) Then   ' Check for CR+LF
    GetLineFeed = vbCRLF
  ElseIf (InStr(sgBuffer,vbCR) > 0) Then ' Check for CR
    GetLineFeed = vbCR
  ElseIf (InStr(sgBuffer,vbLF) > 0) Then ' Check for LF
    GetLineFeed = vbLF
    GetLineFeed = vbNewLine
  End If  
  File.Position = CurrPos
End Function
Function GetValue(ValueArray,Index,ValueDefault)
  If Index<=UBound(ValueArray) Then
    If IsObject(ValueArray(Index)) Then
      Set GetValue = ValueArray(Index)
      GetValue = ValueArray(Index)
    End If
    GetValue = ValueDefault
  End If
End Function
Function GetDataBeginLine(File,AreaTypes,ByRef AreaLineCounts)
  Dim Index
  Dim DataBeginLine
  Dim AreaLineCount
  Dim LineText
  Dim CompareText
  Dim SkipOffset
  Dim CurrPos

  CurrPos = File.Position
  SkipOffset = 0
  DataBeginLine = 1
  If UBound(AreaLineCounts)>=0 Then
    For Index=0 To UBound(AreaLineCounts)
      If VarType(AreaLineCounts(Index))=vbInteger Then
        Call File.SkipLines(AreaLineCounts(Index)-SkipOffset)
        SkipOffset = 0
        AreaLineCount = 0
        CompareText = LCase(AreaLineCounts(Index))
        LineText = LCase(File.GetNextLine)
        While (LineText<>CompareText) And (File.Position<File.Size)
          AreaLineCount = AreaLineCount+1
          LineText = LCase(File.GetNextLine)
        AreaLineCounts(Index) = AreaLineCount
        SkipOffset = 1
      End If
      DataBeginLine = DataBeginLine + AreaLineCounts(Index)
  End If
  File.Position = CurrPos
  GetDataBeginLine = DataBeginLine
End Function
Function GetGroupPropValues(File,AreaTypes,AreaLineCounts,ByRef GroupName,ByRef GroupPropNames,GroupPropDataTypes,PropNameColumn,PropValueColumn)
  Const PropNameDefault = "Noname"
  Dim PropDataTypeDefault : PropDataTypeDefault = eString
  Dim GroupPropValues()
  Dim GroupPropNamesEx()
  Dim AreaIndex
  Dim PropIndex
  Dim LineIndex
  Dim PropName
  Dim PropDataType
  Dim PropValueString
  Dim lFilePositionOld
  Dim CurrPos

  CurrPos = File.Position
  Call SetGroupPropFormatter(File)

  GroupName = File.Info.FileName
  ReDim GroupPropNamesEx(-1)
  ReDim GroupPropValues(-1)
  PropIndex = 0
  AreaIndex = 0
  While AreaIndex<=UBound(AreaTypes)
    If AreaTypes(AreaIndex)=eChannelGroup Then
      If AreaLineCounts(AreaIndex)>0 Then
        Redim Preserve GroupPropNamesEx(PropIndex+AreaLineCounts(AreaIndex)-1)
        Redim Preserve GroupPropValues(PropIndex+AreaLineCounts(AreaIndex)-1)
        For LineIndex=1 To AreaLineCounts(AreaIndex)
          lFilePositionOld = File.Position
          If IsNull(PropNameColumn) Then
            PropName = GetValue(GroupPropNames,PropIndex,PropNameDefault&"_"&(PropIndex-UBound(GroupPropNames)))
            PropDataType = GetValue(GroupPropDataTypes,PropIndex,PropDataTypeDefault)
            Call File.SkipValues(PropValueColumn-1)
            Call File.SkipValues(PropNameColumn-1)
            PropName = File.GetNextStringValue(eString)
            Call File.SkipValues(PropValueColumn-PropNameColumn-1)
            PropValueString = File.GetNextStringValue(eString)
            If IsNumeric(PropValueString) Then
              PropDataType = eR64
            ElseIf IsDate(PropValueString) Then
              PropDataType = eTime
              PropDataType = eString
            End If
            File.Position = lFilePositionOld
            Call File.SkipValues(PropValueColumn-1)
          End If
          GroupPropNamesEx(PropIndex) = PropName
          if LCase(PropName)="name" Then
            GroupPropValues(PropIndex) = File.GetNextStringValue(eString)
            GroupName = GroupPropValues(PropIndex)
          ElseIf PropDataType=eTime Then
            On Error Resume Next
            Set GroupPropValues(PropIndex) = File.GetNextStringValue(PropDataType)
            On Error Goto 0
            GroupPropValues(PropIndex) = File.GetNextStringValue(PropDataType)
          End If
          File.Position = lFilePositionOld
          Call File.GetNextLine
          PropIndex = PropIndex+1
      End If
      Call File.SkipLines(AreaLineCounts(AreaIndex))
    End If
    AreaIndex= AreaIndex+1
  File.Position = CurrPos

  GroupPropNames = GroupPropNamesEx
  GetGroupPropValues = GroupPropValues
End Function
Function GetChannelPropValues(File,AreaTypes,AreaLineCounts,ByRef ChannelNames,ChannelPropNames,ChannelPropDataTypes,PropNameColumn,PropValueStartColumn)
  Const PropNameDefault = "Noname"
  Dim PropDataTypeDefault : PropDataTypeDefault = eString
  Dim ChannelPropValues()
  Dim ChannelPropNamesEx()
  Dim AreaIndex
  Dim PropIndex
  Dim ValueIndex
  Dim LineIndex
  Dim PropName
  Dim PropDataType
  Dim PropValue
  Dim PropValues()
  Dim PropValueString
  Dim lFilePositionOld
  Dim CurrPos

  CurrPos = File.Position
  Call SetChannelPropFormatter(File)

  ChannelNames = Array()
  ReDim ChannelPropNamesEx(-1)
  ReDim ChannelPropValues(-1)
  PropIndex = 0
  AreaIndex = 0
  While AreaIndex<=UBound(AreaTypes)
    If AreaTypes(AreaIndex)=eChannel Then
      If AreaLineCounts(AreaIndex)>0 Then
        Redim Preserve ChannelPropNamesEx(PropIndex+AreaLineCounts(AreaIndex)-1)
        Redim Preserve ChannelPropValues(PropIndex+AreaLineCounts(AreaIndex)-1)
        For LineIndex=1 To AreaLineCounts(AreaIndex)
          lFilePositionOld = File.Position
          If IsNull(PropNameColumn) Then
            PropName = GetValue(ChannelPropNames,PropIndex,PropNameDefault&"_"&(PropIndex-UBound(ChannelPropNames)))
            PropDataType = GetValue(ChannelPropDataTypes,PropIndex,PropDataTypeDefault)
            Call File.SkipValues(PropValueStartColumn-1)
            Call File.SkipValues(PropNameColumn-1)
            PropName = File.GetNextStringValue(eString)
            Call File.SkipValues(PropValueStartColumn-PropNameColumn-1)
            PropValueString = File.GetNextStringValue(eString)
            If IsNumeric(PropValueString) Then
              PropDataType = eR64
            ElseIf IsDate(PropValueString) Then
              PropDataType = eTime
              PropDataType = eString
            End If
            File.Position = lFilePositionOld
            Call File.SkipValues(PropValueStartColumn-1)
          End If
          If LCase(PropName)="name" Then
            PropDataType = eString
          End If
          If PropDataType=eTime Then
            ValueIndex = 0
            On Error Resume Next
            Set PropValue = File.GetNextStringValue(PropDataType)
            While (Not IsEmpty(PropValue)) And (Err.Number=0)
              Redim Preserve PropValues(ValueIndex)
              Set PropValues(ValueIndex) = PropValue
              ValueIndex = ValueIndex+1
              Set PropValue = File.GetNextStringValue(PropDataType)
            On Error Goto 0
            ValueIndex = 0
            PropValue = File.GetNextStringValue(PropDataType)
            While Not IsEmpty(PropValue)
              Redim Preserve PropValues(ValueIndex)
              PropValues(ValueIndex) = PropValue
              ValueIndex = ValueIndex+1
              PropValue = File.GetNextStringValue(PropDataType)
          End If
          ChannelPropNamesEx(PropIndex) = PropName
          ChannelPropValues(PropIndex) = PropValues
          If LCase(PropName)="name" Then
            ChannelNames = PropValues
          End If
          File.Position = lFilePositionOld
          Call File.GetNextLine
          PropIndex = PropIndex+1
      End If
      Call File.SkipLines(AreaLineCounts(AreaIndex))
    End If
    AreaIndex= AreaIndex+1
  File.Position = CurrPos

  ChannelPropNames = ChannelPropNamesEx
  GetChannelPropValues = ChannelPropValues
End Function
Function CreateGroup(File,Root,GroupName,GroupPropNames,GroupPropValues)
  Dim Group
  Dim Index

  Set Group = Root.ChannelGroups.Add(GroupName)
  While Index<=UBound(GroupPropNames)
    If LCase(GroupPropNames(Index))<>"name" Then
      On Error Resume Next
      Call Group.Properties.Add(GroupPropNames(Index),GroupPropValues(Index))
      If Err Then
        On Error Goto 0
        Call Group.Properties.Add(GroupPropNames(Index)&"1",GroupPropValues(Index))
      End If
      On Error Goto 0
    End If
    Index = Index+1
  Set CreateGroup = Group
End Function
Function CreateChannels(File,DataBeginLine,Group,ChannelNames,ChannelTypes,ChannelPropNames,ChannelPropValues,Waveform)
  Dim ChannelDataTypeDefault : ChannelDataTypeDefault = eR64
  Const ChannelNameDefault = "Noname"
  Dim Index
  Dim ChannelValueBlock
  Dim BlockIndex
  Dim ChannelCount
  Dim TempValue
  Dim ChannelName
  Dim ChannelDataType
  Dim Channel

  Call SetChannelValueBlockFormatter(File)
  Call File.SkipLines(DataBeginLine-1)
  Set ChannelValueBlock = File.GetStringBlock()

  BlockIndex = 0
  ChannelCount = 0
  TempValue = File.GetNextStringValue(eString)
  While Not IsEmpty(TempValue)
    ChannelDataType = GetValue(ChannelTypes,BlockIndex,ChannelDataTypeDefault)

    If IsNull(ChannelDataType) Then
      Set Channel = ChannelValueBlock.Channels.Add("temp", eString)
    ElseIf ChannelDataType=eIgnore Then
      Set Channel = ChannelValueBlock.Channels.Add("temp", eString)
      ChannelCount = ChannelCount+1
      ChannelName = GetValue(ChannelNames,ChannelCount,ChannelNameDefault)
      Set Channel = ChannelValueBlock.Channels.Add(ChannelName,ChannelDataType)
      Call Group.Channels.AddDirectAccessChannel(Channel)

      If Waveform Then
        Call Channel.Properties.Add("wf_start_offset",CDbl(1))
        Call Channel.Properties.Add("wf_increment",CDbl(1))
        Call Channel.Properties.Add("wf_xname","")
        Call Channel.Properties.Add("wf_xunit_string","")
        Call Channel.Properties.Add("wf_samples",CLng(1))
        Call Channel.Properties.Add("wf_time_pref","relative")
        Call Channel.Properties.Add("wf_start_time",CreateTime(0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0))
      End If
      If UBound(ChannelPropNames)>=0 Then
        For Index=0 To UBound(ChannelPropNames)
          If LCase(ChannelPropNames(Index))<>"name" Then
            On Error Resume Next
            Call Channel.Properties.Add(ChannelPropNames(Index),GetValue(ChannelPropValues(Index),ChannelCount,""))
            If Err Then
              On Error Goto 0
              Call Channel.Properties.Add(ChannelPropNames(Index)&"1",GetValue(ChannelPropValues(Index),ChannelCount,""))
            End If
            On Error Goto 0
          End If
      End If
      ChannelCount = ChannelCount+1
    End If
    TempValue = File.GetNextStringValue(eString)    

  Set CreateChannels = Group.Channels
End Function


Here's in image of the problem I'm getting:




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

According to the plugin code group name is created from File.Info.FileName, so I see no reason for changing the name. Could you share one of the files you load with this plugin to test the bahavior on my PC?

DIAdem experience since 1996

Turn-key applications - Remote and on-site trainings - On-the-job training

| müller+krahmer GmbH | Koenitzer Straße 14, 07338 Kaulsdorf / Germany |
| Phone: +49 36733 / 2328 - 6 | Mobile: +49 160 / 287 7294 |
| Email: mueller@mueller-krahmer.de | Web: www.mueller-krahmer.de |
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Sure. File attached. Interestingly, the action of attaching the file here has also made the same change to the filename! Perhaps it's a Windows thing?

The file I attached has the original filename of 006300200011 but as I see it below it's now called 00D289~1.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
Accepted by topic author Simon_Aldworth

I seem to have found the solution to the problem. It turns out it's because the file is stored at a path that is too long and so much of the path is being reformatted. If I move the files to somewhere with a shorter path, they are opened in DIAdem without issue.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6