I am having an issue with setting the y-axis on my report.
I want to display a range of 300 on the y-axis.
- fixed numbers don't work. depending on the data sets, the values can be anywhere from 0 - 5000.
- using the "range and tick" option doesn't work due to occasional spikes in the data. (i.e. most values are 200-500, but because of 2500 spike, range option sets y axis to 900-1200)
- i can use D2AxisYBegin, 'End, 'Origin. I know how to set those using scripting. So I found the median of the channel and want to round down to the nearest hundred and set that as my 'Begin so that I don't have weird 'Begin and 'End values.
Is there a way to round on the left side of the decimal? (i.e. 1265 --> 1200)