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loading selected shared variable from citADEL TO diaDEM


how can i load citadel data base selected traces to DIAdem programatically?

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Message 1 of 9

Hi sajeesh,


The only way I know of is to turn on the Script Recorder and load those traces interactively, then use the "StorageImport()" commands recorded.  That function has one xml parameter which has a unique ID called<abskey> for each selected Citadel Trace.  That won't change, so you can build a map of the Trace path to that unique ID in your code and call the StorageImport() function once for each selected Trace you want to load.


This isn't pleasant, but it's the only way I know of.  Also bear in mind that Citadel is 32bit only application with no 64bit access, so 64bit versions of DIAdem will not be able to load Traces from Citadel at all.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9


When i load citadel 5 traces (one trace) i am getting a command in script recorder

Call StorageImport("<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-16""?><addressgroup version=""15.0""><addresslist><basepoint name=""theStore""><usistore name=""Data store""><type>Citadel5</type><param>&lt;cit5&gt;&lt;alarms&gt;true&lt;/alarms&gt;&lt;db&gt;\\sss7\f__data&lt;/db&gt;&lt;interval enabled=&amp;quot;true&amp;quot;&gt;&lt;delta enabled=&amp;quot;false&amp;quot;&gt;5.0&lt;/delta&gt;&lt;end&gt;20160217112649000000000&lt;/end&gt;&lt;start&gt;20160214102049000000000&lt;/start&gt;&lt;/interval&gt;&lt;quality&gt;false&lt;/quality&gt;&lt;timeout&gt;30&lt;/timeout&gt;&lt;trans enabled=&amp;quot;false&amp;quot;&gt;&lt;brkratio&gt;false&lt;/brkratio&gt;&lt;delta&gt;5.0&lt;/delta&gt;&lt;etm&gt;false&lt;/etm&gt;&lt;interp&gt;false&lt;/interp&gt;&lt;max&gt;false&lt;/max&gt;&lt;mean&gt;false&lt;/mean&gt;&lt;min&gt;false&lt;/min&gt;&lt;mode&gt;Natural&lt;/mode&gt;&lt;qualratio&gt;false&lt;/qualratio&gt;&lt;starts&gt;false&lt;/starts&gt;&lt;stddev&gt;false&lt;/stddev&gt;&lt;stops&gt;false&lt;/stops&gt;&lt;/trans&gt;&lt;waveforms relativeTime=&amp;quot;false&amp;quot;&gt;Mixed&lt;/waveforms&gt;&lt;/cit5&gt;</param></usistore></basepoint><address><basepointref>theStore</basepointref><abskey>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</abskey></address></addresslist></addressgroup>","Load")


SO can we create ABS key for channel?i would like to now about it.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Hi sajeesh,


This (Script Recorder) is the only way I know to create the AbsKey for the StorageImport() command.  In my experience it doesn't change, so once you've mapped out all the AbsKey values for all the traces you care about, you can rely on that moving forward.  I'd suggest you save them in an ASCII file and then load them into a Dictionary object each time you want to use them.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9


Ok so the ABS key can be constant

What about the other part of command,the true ,false etc .

Cani know the details of string

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Hi sajeesh,


The only part of the XML string I've successfully been able to edit from the Script Recorder session is the datetime window.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9


ChnInstanceKey command may be helpful in getting abs key


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9


I need to find Orgin Key /ABS  key associated with each channel through labview programaticaly. A script is attached for yur reference. is the origin key generated by citadel or by Diadem?




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Message 8 of 9

so by using the script without ABS key the data is uploaded to data portal.

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Message 9 of 9