05-13-2022 05:30 AM
Error in <DataFilter_1.VBS>(Line164, Column 1):
Invalid channel name "[43]/Torque_Ratio" used in the
"ChnNovHandle("[43]/Speed_Ratio", , "SetValue", "X", "FALSE", "TRUE", 0)" command.
The command mentioned (Line 134) doesnt even include the [43]/Torque_Ratio and is given below:
Call ChnNovHandle(Data.Root.ChannelGroups(43).Channels("Speed_Ratio"), , "SetValue", "X", False, True, 0)
The faulty line doesnt even have the so called incorrect channel name in it. All the channels have been created before. What could be the problem?
05-15-2022 12:05 PM
Something is incorrect with your channel reference. It would be helpful to see an image of the Data Portal.
Try adding the following command prior to the Call ChnNovHandle() command:
Call LogFileWrite(Data.GetChannel("[43]/Speed_Ratio").GetReference(eReferenceNameIndex))
Also try replacing the index number for the channel group with the name of the channel group. Ex.
Call LogFileWrite(Data.GetChannel("ChnGrpName/Noise_2").GetReference(eReferenceNameIndex))