DQMH Consortium Toolkits Feature Requests

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API Tester automatically sets Block Diagram buttons visibility based on RTE

Status: New

I saw that this request for automatically refreshing the modules was released: https://forums.ni.com/t5/DQMH-Consortium-Toolkits-Feature/Auto-press-the-refresh-button-on-cloneable....  I am thrilled that idea was submitted, approved, implemented, and released by the time I got here to submit the idea.


I believe there is one other aspect of the API Testers that should be configured by default: the visibility of the Show Block Diagram and Show Diagram on Init buttons.  Since these buttons have no use in an executable, they cause confusion for operators.  I would propose the following code is scripted (instead of me needing to add it to every API Tester):







1 Comment
Proven Zealot

The API tester is a debugging tool and (in my opinion) should not be an operator-facing VI.