When the DQMH Consortium introduced the support for private requests with DQMH 7.0, a conscious decision was made not to support synchronous requests with reply, to avoid dead-lock scenarios.
With the way we at HSE start additional DQMH modules from any given DQMH module (by sending a request from the MHL to the EHL to start and register for modules, then reply back to the calling MHL case, so the whole process becomes synchronous), it would be super helpful if we could script those private "start submodule" requests the exact same way as all other private requests.
TL;DR: Add support for private Request and Wait for Reply.
Edit: After internal discussion, let me add that I know how to make a regular request a private one by setting the access scope. I don’t want to do that - I want the private Request with Reply to be the same as all other private events, and not a modified public request.
Edit2: If you scroll down, you'll see that Manu added a vital piece of information. We usually communicate with one of the EHLs/Helper Loops, not the MHL. So scripting should not create another case in the MHL but keep the reply in the targeted EHL/Helper Loop.