I recently started using this in one of my DQMH modules, it's a tiny feature and could be added to the DQMH palette.
The idea is to spawn a dynamic VI (using call and forget) that will wait a certain time (delay) and then enqueue a message in the MHL queue.
It allows to not block the MHL for other actions and make sure that a message will be enqueued with a delay.
It consists in 2 VIs, here's a simple demo :
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.
Antoine Chalons
Hey TiTou, thank you so much for your trust in DQMH and for taking time out of your day to share your idea with us.
We believe this idea opens too many possibilities of misusing the framework and doing wrong things.
So, we decline this request, at least for the next DQMH version.
Again, thank you for your input; it is most appreciated. Please keep those ideas coming!