DQMH Consortium Toolkits Feature Requests

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Automate forwarding broadcasts (and requests ?)



Most of the time we create multi-layer applications, and bottom modules need to share information that might have to cross several upper layers.

To avoid coupling and jumps between any non-adjacent layers, we have to create similar broadcast in the parent modules to repeat child broadcast one layer upper.


It would be interesting to have a utility that 'copies' an existing broadcast from one module into another.


And maybe have an option to code the forwarding :

  1. automatically register for child broadcast in the parent if not done already
  2. in the selected braodcast EHL case, map broadcast arguments onto parent broadcast VI inputs


I guess the same thing can be done when the communication needs to go down the layers, and therfore applied to requests.

CLA, CTA, LV Champion
View Cyril Gambini's profile on LinkedIn
This post is made under CC BY 4.0 DEED licensing
Active Participant

I like the idea of automating the re-broadcasting. The feature could be implemented in phases to break up the effort since I know time is always tight with these things.


Phase I:  Add "Copy Broadcast":  Select source module and source broadcast, select target module, and then script the broadcast event as normal. Wait... is this already on the list for 7?


Phase II:  Add option to "Auto-Register Copied Broadcast":  If target module is registered for any broadcasts from the source module, allow the option to auto-register the target module for the broadcast being copied from the source module.


Phase III:  Fully automated forwarding of broadcasts: Select source module, select multiple target modules (auto-populate list based on broadcast registrations), and script the creation of broadcast events, registrations, and broadcasts in each selected target parent layer.


Active Participant
Status changed to: Development Started

Olivier Jourdan

Wovalab founder | DQMH Consortium board member | LinkedIn |

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