As users of SVN for source code control, we rely on SVN-Locks to maintain a conflict-free development environment when collaborating with multiple project team members.
When working on DQMH Projects as a team, it would greatly enhance our workflow if we could selectively apply SVN locks to specific subsets of the project.
Currently, the DQMH scripting necessitates write access to the entire project, limiting flexibility in group collaborations.

Is it feasible to consider modifying this behavior to provide increased flexibility and efficiency for group work?
Hello @LabVIEW-Surfer
Thank you so much for your trust in DQMH and for taking time out of your day to share your idea with us.
We are sorry to have to decline your idea.
Not checking for read-only files will make the scripting less robust (that is actually the reason it is implemented as it is right now), so changing that behavior and introducing less robustness is not what we want.
As a side note, locking is not currently an endorsed workflow, there are alternative approaches that may be more suitable for your needs.
Again, thank you for your input; it is most appreciated. Please keep those ideas coming!