In our current practice, we encapsulate the content of DQMH MHL events within subVIs to maintain a tidy diagram and especially to facilitate the seamless propagation of changes to similar projects that use the same implementation.
I think It would greatly benefit the DQMH framework if it could autonomously generate these subVIs as part of its MHL event scripting process.
Current situation:

Expected situation:

Hello @LabVIEW-Surfer
After reviewing your idea and the comments it triggered, we decided to decline it.
As @joerg.hampel explained, we (the consortium) don't think this is an excellent way to code. We don't want to encourage this.
That being said, nothing in the framework prevents you from doing what you describe.
We also hear your (and others) are requesting. A future version of DQMH will have scripting hooks so everybody can add what they want. There are no promises on the version where it will be implemented. Still, this should allow you to add your scripting step at the end of the event creation.
Again, thank you for your input; it is most appreciated. Please keep those ideas coming!