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DQMH tool doesn't recognize DQMH module

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First I would like to say that i think the DQMH is a brilliant tool, It's an excellent design pattern and a great boost to my productivity.


I often use the Rename/Create/Remove DQMH events in the DQMH tools menu.

Today when I started working on one of my projects I noticed that the tool no longer recognize on of the modules... 😞 


Trying to compare with one of my other modules, I suspect that deleting on of the default broadcast event caused it - The Status updated event. ( I wrote on of my own so I deleted the default one).


Before I recreate the module... are there any hints on what should I look into for the reason that the tool no longer recognize the module?


Also to help me be more careful in the future..




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Message 1 of 7
Accepted by Barukh_t

Removing the Status Updated broadcast VI is probably what is causing the DQMH tools to not recognize your module. Make sure you don't remove or rename any of the VIs that are part of the template. There are a lot of assumptions that the DQMH tools make regarding what parts of the module are present. For example, the Status Updated VI is needed because it is scripted into new Request and Wait for Reply events if the wait times out.


I suggest going back to a previous version of your code in source control to get the Status Updated VI that you had before you deleted it, and re-add it to your module. It doesn't hurt anything to leave it there, even if you are not using it.


Also, what does your Status Updated VI do that the original one did not? Because it's fine to add functionality to the existing Status Updated VI, as long as you don't remove any of its core components or change its interface.

Message 2 of 7



You are right I should have just updated the existing VI.

It just that I didn't realized I should not delete the template VIs.



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Message 3 of 7

For future reference, the documentation lists what make the DQMH tools recognize a DQMH module as a DQMH module.




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Message 4 of 7

After renaming my VI name to "Status Updated.vi" and renaming the matching broadcast event cluster in the Broadcast Events--cluster.ctl typdef, the tool once again recognizes my module :D.

thanks for all the help!

Message 5 of 7



The tool don't recognize a module if you recreate a "Arguments" or "Requests" directory in an other sub-directory than "Public API" (for example "Private Requests").


I put it there to help further DQMH users

Message 6 of 7

@Nico_EMC wrote:


The tool don't recognize a module if you recreate a "Arguments" or "Requests" directory in an other sub-directory than "Public API" (for example "Private Requests").

More recent versions of DQMH (I think 7.0 and later) shouldn't have this issue.

Message 7 of 7