05-18-2023 07:47 AM
That time of day parking is fine.
05-18-2023 05:53 PM
I think I will stay out of this stormy weather. (Big raindrops in Loveland right now.) But please keep me posted on activities.
My current activities: semi-retired, I will take a LabVIEW job, especially if it involves instruments. Loving PERA and Social Security. 🙂
05-19-2023 11:17 PM
Here is my presentation
05-20-2023 08:59 AM
Sam, thanks for the presentation information as it is thought provoking subject. Sorry I could not make it last night but hopefully can make the next one. Thank you.
05-21-2023 10:36 AM
I am giving the same presentation for Empathy in Tech (https://empathyintech.com/) in June.
you can eventually sign up here (it hasn't been posted yet):