05-18-2015 05:48 AM
Is it possible to see what is the licence ID info of an activated addon ? I'd like to find this number for an addon installed on my computer and don't see how to get it... Thanks for your help. Emmanuel
05-18-2015 12:37 PM
This is not possible from within LabVIEW, as we only store the activated status and not the license ID. It may be possible through the ProtectionPLUS API (this is the technology that Third Party Licensing & Activation Toolkit is build upon), but you would have to get in contact with ConceptSoftware to get more information on this.
Sorry I can't help more,
05-18-2015 02:39 PM
Hi Emmanuel,
To add to David’s response, if the add-on was manually activated, a License ID will not be stored in the license file. If the license was activated online, this information is available on SOLO Server. If you are not the author of the add-on, you may contact the author, National Instruments, or us here at SoftwareKey for further assistance.
For users licensing applications:
With the new Instant Protection PLUS 3 API VIs for LabVIEW and the Protection PLUS 5 LabVIEW Edition (Develop Preview), you have access to hundreds of licensing features, including function calls for users to retrieve their License IDs from within your LabVIEW application (exe).
For more information, visit our blog: Choosing the Best Licensing Method for your LabVIEW Tools.