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Equipment for using the DigiMetrix Library with KUKA

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I'm trying to get every necessary part together to give DigiMetrix finally a try.

I've asked Beckhoff and KUKA for the right device to get the EtherCAT Master-Master Communication running but nobody really understood what I'm trying to do... 🙂
So far, I found the EtherCAT Bridge EL6692 and 6695 which seem to be appropriate.

Are there some experiences with these Bridges?

When it comes to NI, we have a cRIO 9024+FPGA, PXI-8106, PXI-7854R and PXI 7813R and i hope that’s enough.


I would really appreciate if somebody could confirm that one of those EtherCat Bridges are going to do the job with our FPGAs.
Did I miss anything important besides mxAutomation that might be expensive?

I really don’t want to order electronics that won’t fit.


Kind regards

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author hlos

Hi Samuel,


- EL6992 is the right choice for this library. You don't have to program this device, you just need to configure it by importing device description files provided with the library

- cRIO 9024 supports NI EtherCAT communication driver, so it means it can be used for robot control

- mxAutomation is a MUST in this setup


In addition to EL6992 you need to have Beckhoff EK1100 Bus Coupler. This is the device where you install EL6992. Please take a look at paragraph 1.3 of the attached document.



Did you know LabVIEW can control industrial robot arms? - www.digimetrix.com
Message 2 of 4

Thank you Nikita for your quick reply and for posting the manual!!
I guess you were talking about the EL6692? I couldn't find any EL6992.


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Message 3 of 4



Yes, I meant EL6692


Thank you for the correction!



Did you know LabVIEW can control industrial robot arms? - www.digimetrix.com
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