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Can i send multiple pulse train by NI USB DAQ 6009?

Dear All,

Can i send multiple pulse trains by NI USB DAQ 6009? I 've attached a picture for the pulses which i need to send through the daq to four electrodes.



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Message 1 of 4



...Well, not with accurate timing, anyways.


The 600x is entirely software-timed... bus latency and windows/op-system processes will change waveform timing significantly. 


A 621x card may be able to do what you want.  I know the X-series is even more featured than the M's.

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Message 2 of 4

621x does not have hardware timed DIO, so it would be pretty similar to the 600x for waveform timing. I don't think it will work for this application.


Do you need to decode the "Modulated Carrier" signal and derive the INOUT A-D? If so, it is possible with an X series or M series DAQ card, however it will not be in real time. After the signal comes in, you would need to decode it in software which will cause some offset (likely on the order of milliseconds) in the output. If that is acceptable, I would recommend a PCIe-6321.


If the delay is not acceptable, I would look to the CompactRIO platform. It can do the processing in the FPGA with would result is a much smaller delay.

Steven K.
National Instruments
Software Engineer
Message 3 of 4

Dear Steaven,

Thanks for you help. i dont think that i need to decode any one of them.  

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Message 4 of 4