05-31-2024 09:22 AM
Hi, I am working on getting a way to get the timing to be visible on labview through my SCB-68 with information from the xArm robot. I am able to output a digital signal to the AC control box pins connected to the robot. Has anyone tried to connect that to a NI product or have ideas on how to?
Thank you!!
05-31-2024 12:36 PM
Your description is not clear enough to guide you better.
1. What is your goal?
2. What kind of signals does your robot controller take in or output?
05-31-2024 02:20 PM
Sorry, I am having trouble expressing this. I am using a load cell already connected to the NI DAQ and it is on labview. I am using the xArm to hit the force sensor but the readings are very small (that is what I need) so to make sure that I am seeing the correct force readings, I wanted to add a timing element where I could see when the robot goes down to hit the sensor. I can have a digital output through my robot so that when it hits the z-axis value I want it sends a signal to the pin of my choice. I want to be able to see that on my Labview graph so I want to connect it to the SCB-68 to have access (the AC control box is not setup for labview so by using the SCB-68 I could use labview). I am not sure how to connect the pins of the AC control box to the SCB-68 to get the readings and would like insight on that please.
I attached the digital I/O.
Thank you!