09-30-2016 08:57 AM
Is it possible for me to talk directly to the driver without going through the C# DAQmx.dll driver software? I need to work in java and although I found away to wrap the DAQmx.dll C# library with a Java wrapper class, this creates a lot of dependencies and it would be a lot cleaner to just bypass that API altogether and develop my own.
Ideally I would like to determine how the driver software talks to the socket so that I can recreate this.
10-03-2016 05:11 PM
I'd recommend sticking with the Java wrapper that you have already developed. However, if you're dead-set on developing your own API with register calls, there are some resources on that. Note this particular KB as well as the host of related information linked at the bottom.
You can check out the Driver Development Kit forums as well to possibly get more information on this.
10-05-2016 09:49 AM
You can access the C API directly instead of using the C# wrappers.
Because the driver software itself is quite complicated, I would strongly recommend using the NI-DAQmx driver to make your calls. You can bypass the C# wrappers, certainly, but your life will be much simpler if you use the NI-DAQmx API. Since you're using Java, you'll still need to wrap the C dll, but you'll avoid the C# dependencies.